Chapter 12:the final battle

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This was finally it, Zuma is facing Codi at save his team

Zuma:growls at Codi you.

Codi:why hello there water mutt, I see you already met ands destroyed my robots

Everest:you're going to pay for what you've done to our friends!!

Codi:yawns you're starting to bore me Husky. Mecha, destroy them

Mecha Rocky only nodded and attacked the other pups, leaving only Zuma and Codi to fight.

Zuma:you won't get away with this Codi, I'm gonna save my friends from your clutches.

Codi:And just how are you gonna do that?

Zuma:with this!!

Zuma shouted as he used his mighty powers, turning himself into water and moving all around as if he's a puddle of rain. Codi was confused and befounded by this.

Codi:how is this possible?!?

Codi thought to herself as she tried to hit Zuma but failed to do so. Zuma managed to swing a few hits on Codi's machine before she quickly grabbed Zuma and pinned him to the ground


Zuma:That's what you think!! Turns into a puddle and goes down a drain below him

Codi saw this and didn't know what Zuma was about to do, Luckily she had a button that could allow electricity to fix her problem. As the puddled water got closer, Codi activated the button which caused a shockwave to affect Zuma and hurt the labrador, turning him back into his original form. Hurt by the electricity, Zuma couldn't use his mighty powers near Codi so he had to quickly think of another way. While Liberty, everest, the twins, and the junior patrollers were trying to fight Mecha Rocky, they were ultimately defeated by him

Mecha Rocky:grabbed tuck and held him in a chokehold as his robot paw turns into a blade

Tuck:gasps fearfully

But as soon as the robotic Rocky was about to strike its blade into Tuck, a miracle came out of the blue with a baseball bat

?:HEY!!! Threw his baseball at mecha Rocky

Mecha Rocky:dropped Tuck and looked who threw the baseball bat it him

Everyone looked back to see that there was the person who threw the baseball bat at Mecha Rocky, it was Joshie


Mecha Rocky just charged towards Joshie as he prepared to attack, however Joshie was more prepared for this than ever, swinging his bat at mecha another time, this time damaging the robot more and managed to even destroy it.


Everest:that, was, crazy.


Joshie:your welcome.




Joshie:oh, the name's Joshie and you guys?

Meanwhile, Zuma is still electrically injured thanks to Codi's machine

Codi:grabbed Zuma hmph, your not as useful or stronger now as I thought you'd be labby.

Codi said as she commanded her robot to throw punches and kicks that would eventually throw Zuma towards a nearby building and crash inside of it. Joshie and the other pups saw this and gasped in horror. Liberty however, was now filled to the brim with anger and rage thanks to Codi

Codi:HAH!! That's what I expected from a helpless labrador who can't even help himself and relies on his other mutts

That, has now triggered Liberty. The dachshund charged and used her stretch abilities to hopefully trap Codi, however the same button Codi pressed on electrocuted Liberty and made her fall down the ground unconscious. Codi moved her machine towards the other pups and Joshie.

Joshie:c'mon guys! Let's show this person who's boss!! Changed with the others

Zuma slowly got back up and looked to see his friends struggling to stand in Codi's way. Finally, he saw Liberty all this had crossed Zuma's line. A blue aura surrounded his entire body as he glows an ocean water color...finally, he transformed himself into a new Mighty form...

Ultra Zuma

Codi:what the?

Ultra Zuma:it's morphin time

Joshie:Wait what?

Zuma used his newly advanced powers and turned into an entire flood that covered the streets all around adventure city. Codi's machine started to power off due to intense water pressures which was good for Zuma. Codi immediately got out of the machine before it flooded down and stared over at Zuma withs shock

Ultra Zuma:how do you like them apples huh Codi?

Codi:you won't ruin my plans again mutt!!!

Codi stated as she pulled out her laser gun and tried to shoot it at Zuma, the water covered Labrador slapped the water gun from her and grabbed Codi with a water hand.

Ultra Zuma:you, will never touch any of my friends the next time I see you Codi, goodbye!!!

Zuma shouted as he tossed Codi towards the moon once again, then shot out a water beam that managed to hit the ship and grabbed a hold of everyone that was in the cage


Zuma placed the cage down then landed softly on the ground as water all around started going inside of him and his crystal.

Rocky:busted the cage open boy am I so glad to see you again Zuma thank you so much for the rescue!!! Hugs Zuma

Zuma:hehehe, anytime Rocky dude, you guys re all my family after all.....felt a little dizzy and, passed out onto the ground as everything faded to black

To be concluded...


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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