"NAT RUN!" The last piece of my heart cries out for me to abandon them.

  I stood there frozen as my brother consumed my lover, I'd just gotten engaged a few days before the world ended. I watched the light die slowly from his eyes as my fathers looming figure drags his body my way, growling and drooling at the sight of my flesh. I whimper quietly as I raise my bat to end his suffering. He made me promise not to let him turn, I failed. I was too focused on my fiancé crying out in agony to realize my dad picking himself up off the floor. One swing and he dropped in front of me, blood spewing from his skull onto the ground and soaking the soles of my sneakers.

"NATASHA!!" The scream echoes once more.

  I shoot up out of my sleep gasping for air as I take in my surroundings. I realize I'm no longer in the infirmary but in an empty home with strangers surrounding me instead. A young boy with a wound on his eye lay next to me on a separate table as he's operated on. Rick is weeping over his body while Denise struggles to focus on the task at hand. I look around for my bag with my bat and my blade spotting it in the corner of the room and slowly slide myself off the table.

"Woah, I don't think it's a good idea to be up yet." Denise breathes out.

  Rick jumps up to look at me as the words fall from her lips and stares at me with teary eyes and distraught written all over his face.

"What's going on?" I ask, my voice coming off hoarse and dry.

"The horde broke through the walls, my son got shot." He mumbles sadly.

  I don't waste any time in grabbing my bat from my bag and peeking through the blinds seeing all the dead shuffling through what looked like a nice suburban neighborhood.

"Man up and meet me outside when you find your balls again." I spit not angrily but determined.

  I rip the door open and close it behind me drawing the attention of the corpses wasting no time in swinging. I'm weak but it won't stop me from avenging the young boy who fell victim to this cruel world, anger floods me fueling the fire within me to avenge my own brother. The rage gives me the adrenaline kick I needed to bash skull after skull, killing anything close enough to me. Bodies drop around me as blood continuously splatters onto my face, the satisfaction of the kill aiding me further. I'm holding off a walker with my bat in its teeth as another grabs me from behind only to drop shortly after with a sickening squelch accompanying it. I shove the walker in front of me and swing upwards taking its jaw clean off, I let out a grunt as I swing again ending it. I spin around to see Rick nodding at me reassuringly as he dives back into killing more of the dead.

  Other survivors swarmed around us joining the fight for the community. After a while it was finally dawn and the horde was no more, everyone's chests jump upwards violently to catch their breath after the battle. Rick approaches me slowly, stopping in front of my small frame and towering over me.

"Why did you do that?" He asks me alarmed.

"I have my own reasons. Look, I'll answer your questions just- I want to join your community I'm tired of moving around." I say wiping blood off my forehead.

  He nods turning to speak with a dark skinned woman before walking past me to the house we came from. The woman approaches me with a wary look before speaking.

"I'm Michonne, Rick needed a moment with his son but I can take you somewhere you can shower and change into...cleaner clothes." She says eyeing my blood stained appearance.

  I nod with a tight lipped smile and she leads me to a house, I follow her inside and up the stairs to a bathroom. I can't remember the last time I'd seen a place with running water let alone 'hot' water. She hands me some clothes and I take them gratefully, she leaves me to shut the door and clean myself up. I scrub my skin raw before relishing in the water dripping down my body. I take some soap and go over the important areas making sure rotting corpse isn't my new signature fragrance before shutting the water off and drying my body. I slip the new clothes on consisting of black jeans and a gray tank top. The jeans are low rise which doesn't bother me that much and the tight tank top barely meets the jeans leaving a sliver of my skin exposed to the air. When I exit the bathroom she's waiting for me with socks and boots, taking them I throw them on quickly before she leads me to a living room where Rick meets us.

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