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I went out with [REDACTED] today. He’s cute and all but I didn’t think it would work out with him. I told him that and we talked about it and decided that we’d be better of as friends. We promised each other that we wouldn’t make things awkward but oh well, I don’t know. The not making things awkward thing never really works out but at the same time, we’re in the same program. We’ll meet each other everyday.

Anyways, I heard that there was some issue between [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. The two fought—actually fought each other with fists and all and now there’s been an exception to the roommate rule. [REDACTED]’s father pulled some strings to ignore that rule. They’ll both have new roommates now. Let’s hope they don’t continue fighting like this with their new roommates or someone’s really gonna end up dead.

Anyways, she invited me to her birthday. It’s in a week from now and there are gonna be a bunch of rich people since it’s a rich bitch’s party. From my experience, there are only two types of rich bitch parties—either they’re boring or formal, or they have all kinds of drugs to exist. We’ll see what kind of a party it is. I’d be lying if I said I’m not excited for it.


Signing out,

Your favourite Redville girlie<3

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