Part 6

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"Bradley?" I ask walking up to the roofI smile once I see him already sitting there

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"Bradley?" I ask walking up to the roof
I smile once I see him already sitting there.
He pats the spot next to me and I go sit down next to him

"How did it go?" He asks me
"Pretty good pretty good" I laugh
"So pretty good you're back in or pretty good you got kicked out without being blacklisted?" He laughs
"No no I'm back in" I tell him
"Well that's great right?" He asks me seeing my face
I look away from him and look at the sun setting
"I'm uh- I've been appointed team leader" I tell him
He hadn't said anything so I turn to look at him and he had the biggest smile on his face
"I'm so proud of you. You deserve it Teagan" he smiles at me
"Thank you Bradley" I smile
"Now I'm praying you don't leave me flying with hangman" I laugh
"I guess we'll see right?" He laughs
"I guess so" I smile as we look at each other
We both start to lean in when I pull back

"I'm sorry ugh God I'm so sorry" I mumble putting my face in my hands
"I can't. Not yet, not until the mission is over I just-I" I start to ramble
"Hey hey it's ok" he tells me making me look up at him
"I understand ok? After the mission" he tells me

"When we both come home" I smile
"When we both come home" he repeats

We all get dressed and head down to the bar for our last night together. I sit there watching everyone enjoying the site praying they all go home after it's done, even if it means I don't.

"It's been an honor flying with you." Maverick says standing in front of everyone
"Each one of you represents the best of the best.
This is a very specific mission. My choices are a reflection of that, and nothing more." He tells us
Now I may have known I was team leader, but I had no clue who was flying with me

"Choose your two foxtrot teams." Admiral
Simpson tells him
"Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob." Maverick says
"First wingman." Admiral says
I take a deep breath
"Rooster." Maverick says and I let out a happy sigh
"And, your team leader." Admiral says
"Viper" Maverick says nodding to me in which I nod back
"The rest of you will stand by on the carrier, for any, reserved role that's required. Dismissed." Admiral Bates tells us
Everyone goes around the room giving hugs, handshakes, fist bumps and goodlucks.

I start walking to my plane when I see hangman in front of me
"You give 'em hell V" He tells me and for the first time I saw more than just cocky look on his face, he was worried
"I will. Sorry for punching you" I laugh a little
"You're doing this now?" He laughs
"Better now than never" I tell him and I could see his face drop a little when I said that
"We're good Teagan, friends" he says reaching out his hand
"Friends, but you're still a jerk" I smile as I shake his hand. He smiles and walks off to rooster

"Lieutenant Price" I hear Maverick says
I turn around to see him behind me
"Did you talk to rooster?" I ask him
"Yeah, you took it better than him but we're good" he laughs
"Uhh listen-" I start to say but an announcement interrupts me telling us to get to our planes.
"We will all talk after" he nods to me and I just nod back
"You can do this Teagan, do it for them" he says pointing up to the sky and I give him a small smile and nod

I climb up onto my plane and see Bradley getting on his next to me
"Bradley!" I yell and he turns to look at me
"You can do!" I yell
"We both come home" he yells
"We both come home" I repeat then we both get into our planes

"Dagger one, up and ready at catapult one." I say into the radio
"Dagger spare, standing by." Hangman says
"Dagger four, up and ready." Phoenix says
"Dagger three, up and ready." Payback says
"Dagger two. Up and ready." I hear rooster say
I take a deep breath as we take off

"Comanche, dagger one. Standby check in." I say once everyone is in the air.
"...recommend daggers continue." I say
"Copy, daggers descending below the radar." I hear someone say
"Daggers now below radar, switching to E2 picture." They say
"Here we go. Enemy territory up ahead. Feat drive 60 seconds. Comanche dagger one, picture." I say
"Comanche. Picture clean, decision is yours." They tell me
"Copy." I say

I take a deep breath
"Dagger attack." I say
"Tomahawks airborne" they tell me
No going back now.
"Daggers, assume attack formation." I say as the missiles fly over me 
"Daggers set, proceeding to target. Two minutes and 30 seconds in




Mark" I say as I start my timer
"Two mark." Phoenix says
"Three mark." Rooster announces
"Four mark." Payback says
"Going in." I say as I start to fly through
"First SAM sight overhead." I say as we pass it
"Looks like we're clear on radar Viper."
Phoenix says
"Let's not take it for granted." I tell them
"More SAMS" I tell them
"We've got two minutes to target." Bob tells us
"Copy. We're two seconds behind. Rooster, we've gotta move." Payback tells rooster
"Dagger - Comanche. We're picking up two bandits." I hear them say over the radio
"They're heading away from us, they don't know we're here." Rooster says but I can tell that was mostly for himself
"The second those tomahawks hit their base, they're gonna move to defend their target. We've got to get there before they do, increase speed." I tell everyone
"I've got you Viper. Don't wait for me."
Phoenix says
"Impact. Enemy runway is destroyed." They say over the radio
"Bandits are switching course to defend the target." They add
"Rooster, where are you?" I ask him
"Come on, Rooster! Bandits inbound, we gotta make up time now!" Payback yells
Damn it he's farther back than I thought
"Heads up Phoenix." I tell her as I rotate 90 degrees to fit through the bridge
"Woah!" I hear Bob's say
"Ma'am. Bandits are two minutes from target.
Daggers are one minute from target." They tell me over the radio
"Guys, we're falling behind, we really gotta move!!" Fanboy tells Rooster.
"If we don't increase our speed right now, those bandits are going to be waiting for us when we reach the target." He tells him
"Talk to me dad." I hear Rooster whisper
"Come on kid, you can do it. Don't think, just do." I hear Maverick say. I switch my coms to just rooster
"Come on rue, do it for your dad, do it for me" I tell him then switch my coms back to everyone
"Jesus Rooster! Not that fast." I hear payback yell
That's the Bradley I know.
"Alright let's go." Rooster says
"30 seconds to target. Bob check your laser." I say
"Laser is a go!" He tells me
"Watch your heads!" Rooster says
"Oh shit! Shit!!" I hear fanboy yell
"Payback, you with me?" Rooster asks
"Right behind you!" He yells
"Phoenix stand by for popup strike." I tell her
"Dagger three, in position." She says
"Popping in 3, 2, 1." I say then pull up, my breathing getting heavy
"Get me eyes on that target, Bob." I say
"Dagger three. Stand by, Viper" Bob tells me
Come on come on
"Stand by!!" He yells
"I've got it, captured!!" He yells
"Target acquired, bombs away." I say pressing the button launching the missiles. We immediately pull up starting the high-g climbout. I do everything I can to keep my eyes open waiting for Bob to clarify we hit the target

Time never seemed so slow.

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