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Sup mother-truckers, as you may know my name is Teagan Price, callsign Viper

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Sup mother-truckers, as you may know my name is Teagan Price, callsign Viper. Now let me just back up a bit so you know my "sob backstory".

A older woman holding her baby walking in the rain, heels clicking every step. She walks up to a compound and sets the baby down in a basket, with only a note.

The woman lets out a few sick coughs before leaning down next to her baby
"I'm so sorry sweetheart" she cries and gives her baby a kiss on the forehead
She reaches for the doorbell as the baby starts to cry. She rings the doorbell and takes off running around the corner.
After a few seconds the door opens, a man stands there looking down at the baby
"Honey!" He yells
"Yes?" She yells back
"You might want to see this" he says as she comes walking up beside him, letting out a gasp at the sight.
She leans down and picks up the crying baby.
"Well don't just stand there get the basket and close the door" the woman says walking inside with the child.
A five year old sits at a window looking down at all the kids playing at the orphanage. Unfortunately for the little girl she had been in and out of foster homes. According to the everyone who took care of her she was too much of a "trouble maker".

The little girl turned around at a knock at her door. She watched as one of the workers walks through the door.
"Teagan" she says
"Yes ma'am?" The little girls responds
"Someone wants to meet you" she tells her
Now any little kid would get excited to hear those words but not Teagan. She had heard it to many times to be excited, especially knowing the outcome that's coming in the future.

The little girl sits down in front of a couple.
"Hi" the little girl smiles
"Hi there how are you doing today?" The man asks
"I'm ok" she nods
She looks at the worker and she nods for her to talk more
"How are you?" The little girl asks them
"We're doing just fine" the man smiles
"And we will be doing even better after today" the woman smiles
"Why's that" I ask her
"Well we want to adopt you" she smiles at me
"Adopt or foster?" I ask confused
"Adopt" the man nods
"Why? I mean out of all the kids why me?" I ask them
"You have something no one else has. You've got this fire in your eyes" the man tells me
"Have you thought about what you want to be when you grow up?" He asks me
"Umm" I say then look at the worker
I've always had a dream of what I want to be when I grow up but the workers always tell me it's impossible for a girl. The worker looks at me and gives me the eyes of "don't say what I think your going to say" look but I took a deep breath and looked back at the couple
"I want to be a fighter pilot" I tell them
Both of their faces light up.
"Well then it's a good thing both of us are fighter pilots" the man smiles at me
It's only been a few months since I have been adopted and I absolutely adore my mother and father. I learned that my dad flew the plane and my mom was his back seater. I always got to visit the base and hang around all my parent's best friends. Some of the people I would always hang around were maverick, goose, iceman, and lucky for me goose had a son that he would bring around named Bradley. Bradley and I became very close very quickly. Anytime we were at the base at the same time we wouldn't leave each others side.

A few months later is when the accident happened. Goose had passed away, leaving all of our hearts ripped in pieces especially Bradley's.
As the years went on I started training slowly as I grew, learning how to fly and all the things that go with it. I was 14 when my parents took me to visit the base again while they went on a training run. I was sitting with iceman when everyone started running out of the building. Confused iceman and I also ran out. Only for me to see the worst thing I could possibly see.

My parent's plane had crashed.

With both of them still in it.


If it wasn't for iceman and his girlfriend at the time I would be back in foster care. But he took me in and became my legal guardian. Not long after they got married and had their own kids. I carried on my parent's legacy and started training to be a fighter pilot.

I join the naval academy and that's where I met up with an old friend. Bradley Bradshaw.

We spent 4 years together at the navel academy training. We were the best of the best. That is until someone pulled both of our papers.


Why did he pull them? I don't even know myself.
Bradley didn't know my papers had been pulled as well so I tried to get in contact with him but he went completely silent. Didn't answer calls or texts, nothing.

I moved bases as my 4 more years of training went on. Now I was the top of my class, in the other base and this one. And that's how I earned my callsign "viper". What I was told was, I was basically like a snake, some may look pretty and harmless but they can sneak up on you and end your life in the matter of minutes. I was quick and precise with my moves in the sky. I didn't waste a second on what I did because that could cost a life.

After my 4 years were up I went on a couple of missions. I ended up getting 3 confirmed air kills.
I was one of two people who have ever done that. The other one you might ask.


I pick up my phone as it rang
"Hello?" I ask
"My office 14:00 on the dot" I heard my admiral say
"Yes sir" I say then hang up
I get ready and head out the door.
I stand up across from my admiral sitting down at his desk.
"It's my pleasure to tell you Viper. You've been called back to Top Gun" he says

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