Part 2

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"Attention on deck! You're all Top Gun graduates, Elite

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"Attention on deck! You're all Top Gun graduates, Elite. The best of the best. That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantages. Success, more than ever, now comes down to the man or woman inside the box." Cyclone says
Hangman looks back at both phoenix and I but we both just flip him off
"Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve. Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real world experience in every area that you will be expected to master. His exports are legendary. He is considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you could very well mean the difference between life and death.
I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign Maverick." Cyclone says as maverick walks up to the stand
"Good Morning." He smiles and rooster and I look away
"The F-18 NATOPS." He says holding up an instructional pamphlet we were all given when we were enlisted.
"Contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out." He says
"Damn straight" hangman cheers
Then he throws the book in the trash.
"So does your enemy." He tells us

We start walking to our planes when I see Maverick call out for rooster. I knew he was going to try and talk to me next so I started walking off. Unfortunately for me I didn't walk fast enough.

"Lieutenant Price! Viper! Teagan Price!" He yells and I finally turn around
"Yes sir?" I ask
"You're one of the best fighter pilots, don't let the past get in the way up there" he tells me
"Oh I won't trust me. But it sure will down here" I tell him then walk off

Now I was yet to go but I listened on the radio to all the people losing. There was a bet involved as well now, you lose, 200 push ups. Rooster had just finished his push ups and he looks absolutely pissed.

"Shit!" Hangman's voice yells through the radio
"That's why we call him Hangman. He'll always hang you out to dry!" I hear phoenix says
"Leaving your wingman? That's a strategy I haven't seen in a while." Maverick mumbles
"Phoenix, he just called you a man, are you gonna deal with that?" Hangman smirks
"As long as he doesn't call you a man." Phoenix tells him
Not long after phoenix and Bob were out.
"Shit. Phoenix, I can't see him, how close am I?" Hangman asks them
"I'm dead, dickhead." Phoenix's tells him
"See you in the afterlife, Bagman." Bob adds then a few seconds later, hangman was out.

I walk out to my plane getting ready for my turn. I was with rooster so this should be a piece of cake
"Good afternoon Rooster. Having a nice flight?" I ask him
"Just great. Now, where the hell is he?" Rooster says
"Been here the whole time." Maverick says as he flys from below us and on top of rooster
"See me now? Come on, let's get this over with." Maverick tells him
"Fights on!" Rooster tells and they both go flying down

"The hard deck is at 5,000 feet boys. You are running out of room." I say as I follow them
"Your strategy is about to run us into the ground." Maverick tells him but rooster doesn't budge. Maverick pulls up first because rooster was about to run them into the ground and Rooster pulls up right after.
Rooster was right behind maverick but just above him
"Now you got it, Rooster. Don't think, just do." Maverick says
"Rooster drop down and take the shot. You have him Rooster! Drop down and take the shot!" I yell at him but he waits too long and maverick flys up behind him and gets him out.
"Damn it rooster" I mumble as I start to fly after Maverick

I start to chase maverick watching his moves closely.
"Alright let's see what you got" I hear maverick mumble
After a few minutes I lose sight of him. And just then he flew up behind me
"You're good I'll give you that" he tells me thinking he had me
"Oh I know" I tell him then do a complete turn around just like he did to rooster. I quickly lock him in and let out a big breath happy I won.
"See you on the ground old man" I smirk as I fly back to the base

I walk up to rooster doing his push ups even tho he was finished.
"Rooster stop" I tell him and he finally stops doing push ups
"Congratulations Viper" rooster tells me wiping away his sweat
"Rooster, what the hell was that up there? We used to fly all the time together and you just threw that opportunity out the window" I tell him
"It's nothing T, don't worry about it" he tells me
"No I'm going to worry about it. Im going on this mission and if you don't put the past behind you while you're up there you are going to leave us flying with hangman. Do you hear me? I get it you're mad at him, I am too. But don't let that get in the way while you're flying" I tell him
He just lets out a sigh before speaking up
"You're right. I'm sorry T" he tells me
"I know I'm right, now come on let's go" I say helping him up
"Where are we going?" He asks me
"To spend time together like old times dummy" I laugh taking his hand and pulling him to follow me

We head to the top of the building with some beers and snacks.
"You remember the game we used to play?" I ask him
"Depending on which one you are talking about" he laughs
"The question game stupid. We need to catch up it's been to long" I smile
"It has. Alright uhhh boyfriend?" He asks me
"No absolutely not" I tell him
"Why?" He asks me
"Haven't found anyone good enough" I smile
"Girlfriend?" I ask him
"No, no girlfriend" he laughs
"Why?" I ask him the same questions
"Haven't found anyone good enough" he repeats my answer
"Hm ok whatever" I roll my eyes
The game continues as we catch up and it quickly just turns into a laugh fest. We start to clean up making our way down back to our rooms.
"I missed you T. We should do this more often even after the mission" he smiles at me
"I missed you to Rue. As long as you don't ghost me again I'd love to" I smile as I turn to face him
"Wouldn't dream of it" he smiles back as our faces get closer together

I could basically feel his breath before I realized the position we were in. We both awkwardly backed off coughing.
"Well umm I'll see you tomorrow" I smile as I unlock my door
"Yeah see you tomorrow" he smiles

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