Part 1

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I walk into a bar and instantly see the group I was looking for

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I walk into a bar and instantly see the group I was looking for.
"Holy shit" Phoenix says as I walk up to them
"Phoenix" I smile as she embraces me with a hug
"Man I missed you" she smiles
"Feelings mutual" I tell her 
"Well what do we have here. If it ain't Viper herself." Hangman says walking up
"Miss me, bagman?" I ask him
"Miss, liked you not being around same thing right?" He asks me
"Sure kinda felt the same way about you." I tell him and he just shakes his head then walks off
"Phoenix who's your friends?" I smile
"Jay Ellis, callsign Payback." One guy says
"Mickey Garcia. Fanboy." The other tells me
"Well it's nice to meet you boys. Teagan Price, callsign Viper." I nod 
"That's a very interesting callsign." Payback says
"Yeah well it fits, yall will see why later" Phoenix tells them
"Holy shit wait. You have 3 confirmed air kills right?" Payback asks me
"That is correct" I smile
"Damn we're in the presents of royalty" fanboy laughs
"Oh gosh no stop" I laugh
"So who's he?" I ask them nodding my head to the person next to us
"Who's who?" Hangman asks me
And I nod my head to the guy sitting down again
"When did you get in?" Coyote asks him
"Oh, I've been here the whole time." He smiles
"Well, the mans a stealth pilot." Hangman laughs
"Literally." Coyote says
"Weapons System Officer, actually." the man tells us
"With no sense of humor." Hangman says then turns away
"What do they call you?" I ask him
"Bob." He answers
"No your callsign." Phoenix asks him
"Uh..Bob." He tells us
"Bob Floyd? You're my new backseater?"
Phoenix asks him
"Looks like it, Yeah." He smiles
"Nine ball, Bob. Wrack 'em." Phoenix says handing him a stick

"Bradshaw? Is that you?" I hear phoenix call out so I make my way back over to the pool table
"Yeah, just thought I'd surprise you." He tells her yet to see me.
"Hmm." Phoenix hums as she bends down to hit a pool ball. She pulls it back hitting rooster then hitting the ball into the pocket.
"Guess I surprised you back." She says turning to look at him.
"It's good to see you." He groans then looks up and finally sees me

"Well well well little old rooster" I say as I make my way over to him
"Long time no see" he smiles
"And whose fault is that?" I ask him but before he could answer hangman speaks up
"Bradshaw, as I live and breathe." Hangman says
"Hangman. You look ... good." Rooster tells him
"Well, I am good, Rooster. I am very good. In fact, I am too good to be true." Hangman says
"So. Anybody know what this special detachment is all about?" Payback says
"Well a missions a mission. They don't confront me. What I wanna know, who's gonna be team leader? And who's gonna have the guts to follow me?" Hangman says and I choke back a laugh
"Hangman, the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave." Rooster tells him
"Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel." Hangman back
"But that's just you isn't it rooster. Waiting for the right time, that never comes" hangman says getting closer to roosters face
"God I love this song" he smiles then walks off
"Well he hasn't changed." Phoenix says
"Nope, he sure hasn't." Rooster says

"Can we talk?" Rooster asks me
"About what exactly? About you completely ghosting me or is there something else you need to talk about?" I ask him. Was I pissed at rooster for ghosting me yes. But at the same time I couldn't hold it against him, it's rooster for goodness sakes.
"Look I'm sorry, for ghosting you and everything in between. I just.. maverick pulled my papers. He sent me back 4 years and I just I was so mad I pushed everyone out of my life. Moved bases and tried to start a new life I guess. But I shouldn't have I know that now and I'm sorry" rooster tells me
I just stare at him for a second
"Well unfortunately for me I can't stay mad at you. I forgive you Rooster I mean I know what you were feeling so I understand" I tell him
"Wait what exactly do you mean by that?" He asks me confused
"Well if you would've answered my calls you would have known that Maverick pulled my papers as well. All those years down the drain. Still don't understand why though" I tell him
"I'm sorry T, you especially didn't deserve to be sent back" he tells me
"Yeah well it worked out. Now I have 3 confirmed kills. Looking to get a fourth just to pass him up" I laugh
"I'd love to see that. So we're good?" He asks me
"We're good" I smile

I watch as rooster pulls the plug on the music. Everyone starts to groan and I knew exactly what he was doing. I walk over to the piano meeting him there as he starts to play.
Then as it goes on we both start to sing

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will
But what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire

I laughed at love 'cause I thought it was funny
But you came along and moved me honey
I've changed my mind
This love is fine
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire

Kiss me baby
Woo, it feels good
Hold me baby, yeah
You gotta let me love you like a lover should
You're fine, so kind
I'm gonna tell this world that your mine, mine, mine, mine

I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm gettin' nervous honey but it sure is fun
Come on baby, you drive me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire

Feels good, yeah

Let me love you like a lover should
You're fine, so kind
I'ma tell this world that your mine, mine, mine, mine

I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm really nervous but it sure is fun
Come on baby, you drive me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!!!" We all yell the last part

Not long after we see more fighter pilots walk in
"What the hell, what kinda mission is this?" Fanboy asks us all
"That's not the kinda question we should be asking. Everyone here is the best there is. Who the hell are they gonna get to teach us?" Phoenix says and rooster and I both eye each other scared that are guesses were right

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