[35] "This is awkard."

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It was complete silence in the woods. The group could faintly hear the kids playing on the playground as they held their breaths and watched.

Just as her lips were about to touch Chris's behind, there was a sound. Toot.

Jayda froze when she heard it. She didn't comprehend what had happened until everyone laughed. This motherfucker. "Did you really just fart in my face?"

Chris pulled his boxers up and turned. "I'm sorry, it just slipped."

Jayda was heated. "Imma kill you." She started hitting Chris. He took off running and so she chased him around the bonfire. She was tempted to push his ass into the fire, but she got another idea instead. "Imma get someone else to kick your ass."

Chris continued to laugh. "Who, your dad?"

Jayda pulled her phone out. "No, I'm calling Damon."

Chris stopped joking around and straightened up real quick. "No no no."

The rest of the group stopped goofing about the situation as well. "Jayda he was just kidding," London announced.

Jayda snorted. "I don't give two fucks."

Sammie snatched the phone away. "Stop being a bitch. He didn't even fart. He used his hands to make the noise."


"Yes," Teddy replied. He looked at Chris. "Do it again."

Chris put his hands together and made to tooting noise again. "I would never fart in your face. It was all a joke. Please don't have Damon come kick my ass. My face is too pretty for it."

Jayda took a deep breath. "Sorry. You got me good"

Chris pulled Jayda into a bear hug. "It's water under the bridge."

Things settled back down, and everyone got comfortable on the logs again.

"It's not funny when it's you getting messed with it, is it? Sammie taunted after a minute or so.

"Maybe we should end this," Nevaeh suggested. She could see it getting worse from this point on. For some odd reason, Sammie was in a bad mood. When he left her house earlier, everything was fine. What had happened since then and now? She wondered.

Jayda looked at her cousin, Sammie. "Why are you in such a pissy mood?"

"Jayda," Teddy warned.

"Don't Jayda me," she returned towards Teddy. "He's been sulking the entire night. I'm not done playing." She looked back at Sammie." Truth or dare?"

"Pass," Sammie responded.

"No passing, truth or dare?"

Sammie released a breath. He wasn't going to back down to Jayda. "Truth."
Jayda cocked her head to the side. "Did you put the drugs in Quincy's locker?" It was something she was going to ask in private but since he called her a bitch, she wanted to put him on blast.

"No," Sammie responded without hesitating.

"Do you know who did?" Jayda responded.

Teddy was getting frustrated with his little cousin. "That's enough Jayda."

"Do you not want him to answer it, Teddy?"

Nevaeh became worried because Sammie had yet to respond. "Samuel, you don't know who did it, do you?" If he had, he would have told her.

Sammie stood to leave. "Fuck this shit, I really need a girl that doesn't think the worse of me. Have my back for once."

It felt like a slap in face towards Nevaeh. She wanted to follow behind Sammie but her feet remained planted. She looked at Teddy for help.

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