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Returning to the set I watched Yura perform her scene. She was a natural as a nurse, I haven't seen many acting performances quite like it.

After that day there was an awkward silence cast over me and my mother. She clearly regretted what she said about me being a mistake, but I still couldn't find it in my heart to forgive her fully.

Even so, Ai's words about how mothers always love their children still kept playing over and over inside my head. As much as I'd want to believe that, I know it's not true.

Because if that were the case then Sarina's mother wouldn't have abandoned her like that. In fact, Ai's own mother wouldn't have abandoned her!

And, well... Kisuke Kamijiro's mother wouldn't have abandoned him and his father...

Not only that, but my own mother wouldn't work me to the bone like I'm some puppet on a string for her to make dance at a flick of her wrist.

Referring back to the movie, while I was replaced it wasn't a total failure for my family.

'That Was the Start' the movie itself was nominated for the Demure Director & Screenplay Award amongst other notable awards, giving the movie a wider recognition amongst the public, bringing more eyes upon the cast.

Yes I'm not happy that the director who replaced me won an award, I'm still happy that my half-sister Yura got the recognition she deserved, and that Ai gained even more popularity from the project.

Ugh, even if brats like Kana Arima can rub their newfound popularity in other people's faces.

And that kid who replaced me... Turns out he had a name. 'Aqua'. Maybe I'll try to remember that in case he ever tries to replace me again... I've been replaced by a pervert doctor before, so I'm definitely not letting any brat take my spot ever again.

If I'm going to become influential and make some kind of difference, I can't be generous. I can't give, I have to take.

Screw the fame and fortune, I just want the power.

Speaking of which, Yura started to gain more power of her own. That movie was her breakout performance as an actress, and soon everyone was calling to put her in their projects. They said she had a cute look and the talent to boot.

It wasn't soon before she left her amateur contract and moved on to a professional agency, SA Entertainment.

While that was a good thing for us, it triggered something competitive within my mother. She didn't want to lose out to her own daughter, and wanted any chance of salvaging her own career.

So, she went out and got a job. Which was good, because she wasn't around to train me as often. Meaning I could take things at my own pace.

Buuut... Obviously with Mom and Yura out of the picture that left me, a now four year old boy, alone at home with nobody to care for him.

That's illegal.

Plus, I don't think my mom's credibility can take another hit, so of course she was going to hire a babysitter to watch over me in the evenings.

Plus, I don't think my mom's credibility can take another hit, so of course she was going to hire a babysitter to watch over me in the evenings

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