Ch.18 - LOVE:

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That kid

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That kid... She's lived for what, a minute? And just because she's some famous actress she thinks she knows everything?!

She wants to call me an amateur? Pfft, as if I care. I didn't even ask for this career. This career chose me.

Spoiled brats like her wouldn't know a damn thing about what it's like.

I have suffered.

I have seen things.

Pain. Horror.

I am not some prissy actress who just happens to be famous thanks to their mommy and daddy.

I am real.

This idol career has been thrust upon me, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some brat like her tell me otherwise.

Sure. Suuuuure.

Maybe that's rich coming from myself, someone who has had a famous parent in BOTH lives.

But you see, I actually have empathy.

I actually think about what it's like to be the other guy in the situation!

I don't want to brag, I don't want to rub it in people's faces.

I care.





Such things don't interest me in the slightest.

Accomplishments. Achievements. They're what drives me.

Goals that I set. MY OWN.

That's what I truly care about.

Looking back at my past life... Bitter. That's how I feel.

All that effort I made to get that brown belt...and what happened?

It all came crashing down... Because of a cheat who didn't know what it was like to work as hard as I did!

I hope that bastard thinks twice before trying anything like that again.




They only take shortcuts.

I'd be willing to bet that this 'Kana Arima' never had to really work for a role in her life.

She's not a real actor, not like some of the rest of them who actually have talent.

She's the kind of person who gets everything handed to them on a silver platter, and still manages to whine!

Even if production companies hold auditions, it's nothing but a sham for them to save face with their stupid match-fixing.

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