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Jeonghan and Joshua are childhood best friends since they're 3 years old

They've always been in the same class and always hang out together.

Right now both are 11 years old

Today again they were hanging out together

Jh: Josh let's go to the swings ?
Js: o ok

He said gloomy

Jh: you ok joshi ?
Js: y yeah

the two sat on the swings and Joshua keep being sad and gloomy

Jh: joshi are you really ok ?
Js: ab...n no
Jh: tell know you can tell me anything...
Js: j jeonghan...i im moving...
Jh: WHAT!!! Where ?
Js: L Los Angeles...
Jh: W why ?!
Js: m my mom's work...

Jeonghan look down and felt like his world stop as his best friend was leaving him..

Jh: but ? W why so sudden ?
Js: y you know I'm born there and my m mom always wanted to go back there...s so I have no choices

Jeonghan nod and stood up and hug Joshua tightly

Jh: when are you leaving?
Js: n next week...

Jeonghan nod and hug him

Jh: let's enjoy this week then? Ok ?
Joshua nod and both continue to hang out


1 week later

Joshua and his mother were in the airport and jeonghan came with his parents and wish them goodbye and jeonghan hug Joshua none stop

Jh: I'll miss you joshuji
Js: I'll miss you too hannie 
Jh: never forget me ?
Js: I'll never, same for you ?
Jh: ofc I'll never....

They let go off each other and Joshua left and left to America...


7y later

It's now have been 7y since joshua left South Korea to the US

Joshua did his middle and high school there and jeonghan did his in South Korea.

Joshua was today in his room packing his suitcase and was getting the help from his best friend here Vernon

V: you seem excited ?
Js: ofc im !!! Im going back to my fav country and I'll be able to search and meet Jeonghan again
V: you've been talking about him since a while now...
Js: I miss him and he's all I have...
V: you love him ?
Js: what ? No ! He's just my childhood best friend and I miss him and he helped me a lot
V: hmm I see...well I hope you'll find him again...
Js: I Hope so your suitcase ready ?
V: ofc ! Now be fast we need to leave to the airport in 20min...

Joshua speed up and the two left and went to check out and wish their parents goodbye and went into their flight


After 13h of flight

The two arrived and were excited

They took the taxi to Seoul and went to their hotel for the night.

The next day they'll go for their first day of university in Seoul


Next day

The two change and freshen up and left to their university and went to the principal office and told him they were the students from overseas.

The principal nod and gave them their schedule and all and they start their day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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