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Based on my own bus stop life


Joshua was getting ready in full speed as he was already late cause if sleeping too much

It was his first time in many years. He never miss his bus

He then after getting ready ran to the stop and sadly he missed it

He then panic until he remember that if he miss this one he can still go to another one where it pass cause by the time he'll go there the bus will be going trough the whole city before going to his school

(it's a school bus so there is specific journey)

So he start walking as fast as he could at the last stop before there is no more until they arrived at their school


Joshua finally arrived at the last bus stop and was breathing heavily

Js: damn I'm sure it'll be full
He thought as he always want to sit alone

Then the bus arrived, he enter and scan his card and tried to find a place and find a empty one but beside someone

He hesitantly ask to sit beside the person

Js: e excuse me, m may I sit ?
??: sure
It was a boy, he then pick his bag and let Joshua sit

Js: thank you
He then sit and look at the boy and gasp and scream inside

Js: omg omg j jeonghan !!!!!

Jeonghan and him were classmates and Joshua did have a crush on jeonghan since years but never dare to confess cause he thought jeonghan will reject him as he don't know if jeonghan is straight or not

He got cut off his thought when jeonghan ask him

Jh: Joshua right ? You're in my class ?
Js: ab...y yes
Jh: could you give me yesterday lesson ? I wasn't there so I couldn't take the lesson I miss
Js: ab..sure
Jh: thanks cutie
Joshua blush and was confuse cause why would he call a boy cute ? It's mostly to girls you say that

Jh: wanna eat with me today ??
Js: ab..r really ?
Jh: ofc, why not ?
Js: s sure t thanks
Jh: np deer
Again joshua blush

Sometimes later the bus arrive at their school so both got down the bus and went inside and went to their class


After their last period before lunch

Joshua got up and was about to left when someone put his arm around his shoulder

Jh: hey let's go to the cafeteria, hmm ?
Js: oh m my gosh y you scared me
Jh: sorry deer, btw do you always stutter ?
Joshua blush and look down and jeonghan put his finger under his chin and rise it up

Jh: it's cute when you blush
He said and kiss his cheeks and held Joshua hand and drag him to the cafeteria


Since the bus Joshua was confuse and lost about why suddenly jeonghan start talking to him and why being so kind and using nickname precisely pet names

In real he wanted to believe he might like him back, but he had that fear that he's just playing, maybe he read and watch to much books and movies 😭


Both got in the cafeteria line joining jeonghan's friends and jeonghan didn't leave Joshua's hand and even put his arm around his waist

𝙹𝚒𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ☼☽Where stories live. Discover now