𝐅* 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

318 11 2

Js: is he kidding me ?
Dk: huh?
Js: what ?
Sk: why did you say that ?
Js: look at jeonghan
Dk: jeonghan ?
Sk: I think we have a problem
He whispered to dk and he nod

Dk then whisper back

Dk: he didn't call him by a nickname
Seungkwan cover his mouth

They so then look at jeonghan and saw jeonghan close to Mingyu, while waiting to start rolling

Js: how dare he, since days he is none stop with Mingyu, don't tell me...no no
Sk: w what are you thinking ?
Js: d do you think he d doesn't want to be with me anymore ? Maybe he want to be with mingyu or idk hyung
Dk: mingyu have wonwoo and seungcheol hyung Chan why would he be with them ?
Js: m maybe Hyungwon ?
Sk: he loves you he'll never do that
Joshua nod slowly and look down

Wonwoo then came to them and said

Ww: hyung ?
Js: yes ?
Ww: can I pass before you for our solo scene ? I have a palm that came
Js: oh sure
He smiled and wonwoo thanked him and left

Joshua then went to sit on the side and wait for their group scene on the beach


It was now jeonghan's solo part and he was alone on the sand sitting down and being close to the boat

Joshua sigh looking at him and look at hoshi who was beside him, he indeed knew what was in his mind because dk cannot hide anything from him and he nod

Joshua stood up and went a little away to relax

H: hyung you okay ?
Joshua shook his head

H: talk with jeonghan he obviously have an explanation
Js: you think ?
H: I'm sure, you both are the ultimate couple, there must be a reason
Joshua nod and both went back as they were doing the group part


They were waiting before going over to the boat

Js: and now it's hyung
H: it's the scenario
Js: but look how he is ?
H: they are happy but it's just the scenario
Js: Ik, im overreacting like always
He hold his head and sat down

Dk: hyung, it's okay to be like this, it's normal you care for jeonghan and you love him as well it goes for him, just talk with him and don't be scared of him being mad at you
Joshua nod and Dk hug him

Js: t thank you
They smiled and then wait until they had to film all together


It was so the duo part of scoups and jeonghan

Sc: I'll run into your arms ?
Jh: okay, don't trip

Scoups then came to him and whisper

Sc: btw how it is with Joshua ?
Jh: amazing, just sad because I feel like I can't spend enough time with him, I feel like I'm always busy or he is, and I'm annoyed by that
Sc: why don't you take a day off with him ? Only the two of you ? Because if I'm being honest I feel like hum yk you spend a lot a lot a lot a loooot
Jh: okay !
Sc: of time with Mingyu, why ?
Jh: I Idk because he wants to hang out and idk why when wonwoo isn't there he ask me because most members are occupied and me i can say no
Sc: try then, Joshua might feel sad and jealous
Jeonghan nod and then both heard the director saying it the moment they'll film the others joining them

Sc: look at my channie
Jh: hmm, but my shua is superior
They then had to look at the others and smile looking at them all

Jh: my shua I need to hug him now
Scoups chuckle and point at them to continue the scene and both smiled

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