𝐎𝐡 𝐦𝐲 !

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Jh: ow hyung
Sc: ahaha sorry not sorry jeonghan
Jeonghan laugh too

Scoups hug jeonghan and look at the camera and wave

Jh: seriously get off me
Sc: fine
He then went back on his assigned bed

V: you okay hyung
He nod and went lay on his assigned bed looking at jeonghan and scoups one last time and focus on the scene they have to filmed


Director: let's redo the scene of each members going onto their beds

Scoups was again with jeonghan before starting

Vernon look at Joshua and saw his eyes

And went to him

V: hyung you okay ?
Js: y yeah
V: i don't believe you
Js: don't worry Vernon I'm okay
V: hmm if you say so

They went to redo the scene and Joshua wasn't at his best state


Director: let's do the solo part, Joshua you up first
Joshua nod and get his position

He was filming and jeonghan was with mingyu, dk and Vernon waiting for their turn

Jh: isn't he cute ?
Mg: he's your bf ofc you find him cute, but in fact he is
V: hyung can i ask you something ?
Jh: ofc
V: is everything okay between you two ?
Jh: ofc why ?
V: just asking

Director: Jeonghan ?
Jh: yes
He went over and wanted to hug Joshua but he went straight to change his outfit for the group scene

Vernon, dk and mingyu look at him and saw him looking down

V: I'm worried for Joshua hyung
Dk: me too he doesn't seem fine
V: I'll go talk to him I don't have solo part
Mingyu and dk nod and Vernon went over to the changing room


V: hyung for the third time are you really okay?
He went to Joshua and saw him on one of the chair

Joshua turn around and Vernon gasp and saw his teary eyes

V: hyung
He hug him and Joshua hug him back

Sk: hey guy hyung said you were there what's happe.....shua hyung why are you crying
He also went over hugging Joshua and Vernon at the same time both then pull away and Vernon hold seungkwan's waist

Sk: tell us ?
Js: j jeonghan a and s seungcheol
Sk: oh
V: hyung you know jeonghan hyung loves you
Js: Idk anymore
He said sniffing

Sk: why ?
Js: he's really close to hyung and and h he's clingy to him since this morning he none stop hug him
Sk: it's for the mv
Js: then why when it's not for the mv he still hug him ? We weren't filming and he was still hugging him and didn't even care for me
V: he tried hugging you minutes ago but you ignore him
Js: Ik

Sk: ab.....i need to go take care hyung you too nonie
V: okay kwannie
He hug him and seungkwan hug joshua and left and Vernon wink at him understanding


Sk: Jeonghan hyung, seungcheol hyung
Sc&jh: yes ?
Sk: can I ask what's happening between you two ?
Jh: huh ?
Sk: why are you so close you two ?
Sc: we're best friends
Sk: well it doesn't seem like it
Jh: what ? Hey I have a boyfriend
Sk: then tell him
Jh: why is he hurt ?

Sk: technically yes
Jh: why ? Because I'm close to hyung ?
Seungkwan nod

Jh: shoot, im going
He then went to where seungkwan told him and enter and saw Vernon hugging Joshua


Jh: ahem
V: oh I'm leaving
Jh: sorry
He whispered to Vernon and he nod smiling and pat his shoulder

Jh: shua ?
Joshua turn to the opposite

Jh: shua, please let me talk to you
Js: why would I ?
Jh: cause I came here to fix everything
Joshua turn to him still teary eyes

Js: then tell me
Jh: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for how I act, Ik I shouldn't have with how much worry you are facing the different videos and photos of me and hyung, but I only love you and only you
Js: h how can i be s sure
Jeonghan smiled softly and went to Joshua and wipe his tears and rise his chin and kiss him and hold his cheeks

Jh: because you're the only one I would kiss and hug for the rest of my life
Js: r really ?
Jh: I'll rock with you till the end baby and that'll never gonna change
Joshua cried and hug jeonghan

Js: im sorry to be all the time jealous
Jh: you have all the right just remember I'm yours and your mine and I'll always love you never doubt that
Js: Yesh I'm still sorry I feel like you think I don't trust you, b but I do I I j jus.......
Jeonghan kiss him and caress his cheeks and Joshua kiss back and wrap his arm around his neck and jeonghan pull him onto his lap

Jh: you're insecure you have all the right, just know you're an amazing person and I'll be there for you always
Js: I love you hannie
Jh: me too baby
Jeonghan again kiss Joshua

Jh: come we have the group scene to film
Joshua nod and both change and went over holding hands

V: now I can ask, are you okay Joshua hyung ?
Js: yes
He said smiling snuggling to jeonghan as he was in his boyfriends arms hands on jeonghan's chest and waiting for the instruction of the director

Sc: I'm sorry shua
Js: don't be it's my fault for being insecure
Sc: it's alright don't worry
Joshua smiled and put his head on jeonghan's chest

Jh: i love you
Js: me too hannie
He peck him and hug him tight


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