𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐲

466 13 16

??: No please, I swear I didn't do anything
Guard: the judge announce you guilty, so you have to go to jail to make your sentence, Mr.Joshua Hong

Js: b but I'm telling you it's all made up against me I didn't do all the things against me I swear
He said crying and begging the guard to believe him

Guard: maybe if the judge have time he'll let you have another audience and you'll be able to talk
Js: when ?
Guard: in a month or two or a year
Js: b but ?
Guard: he have a lot of cases and this matter of holding an audience for someone who already got a sentence isn't the priority, here your cell, you'll be sharing with someone

Joshua cried and beg to be listened

The guard open the cell and push Joshua in and remove his handcuff and close the cell

Joshua sat on the floor and cried and then someone spoke


??why are you here ?
Js: ab...i i
??: you don't look like a criminal nor someone who did a big mistake
Js: I i got accused wrongly
He said teary eyes

??: don't cry sweetheart, come
He pat the bed and Joshua went to sit beside the guy

He pull him by his shoulder and hug him

??: it'll be fine okay ?
Joshua nod slowly

??: I'm jeonghan btw nice to meet you
Js: I'm Joshua or jisoo
Jh: cutie, what did you supposedly "did" to be here ?
Js: they said I've been violent and like mean to the extreme even psychopath to my ex
He sniff

Jh: hmm
Js: i i swear I i didn't do anything, please trust me I didn't, h he's the one that hurt me and force me into things
Jeonghan hug him

Jh: shhh, I believe you don't worry, and you don't even look like a person capable of such things, even tho we shouldn't judge someone by the appearance, you, I feel like your kind and not capable of this
Js: t thank you j jeonghan
Jeonghan smiled and hug him

Js: an and you ?
Jh: I got accused on robbing a bank, while I didn't and got put as the culprits by the one that did that and for them I killed the director of the bank but I didn't and I count of proving that
Js: h how ?
Jeonghan look around and whisper to joshua

Jh: let's escape and arrest the real culprits of our cases
Joshua nod and smiled softly

Jh: rest now you need to
He said and stood up and make Joshua lay down on the bed

He kiss his forehead and wink at him and went to his own bed


It's been now two weeks that Joshua is in jail and he non stop cry as he keep thinking about that incident that he isn't even guilty for and he also missed his parents the only person that trust and believe him, he saw in their eyes at the audience and when he was taken to the jail they said their words to him before seeing him leaving

He developed anxiety and would often have and have trouble to breath and cry

And jeonghan was always there to comfort him

Today again he was crying

Jh: shh, it's fine shua~
Js: i i..
Jh: don't talk breath in and breath out follow my rhythm hmm ?
Joshua nod and did

Jeonghan pull him on his lap and hug him and kiss his hair and Joshua rest his head on his chest

Jh: you okay now ?
Js: y yes t thank you
Jh: no need to thank me hmm ?
They look at each other and jeonghan kiss Joshua and Joshua kiss him back

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