10. Nigtmares

Começar do início

A tear slides down his cheek.

" I know you're right and I'm trying to talk to him. It's so hard though, part of me wants to cry every time I'm close to him, part of me still wants to hug him and be held by him, part of me wants to haul off and punch him right in the face because of the way he left me, part of me wants to tell him to get out of my sight and never return another part wants to beg him to..to..."

Her eyes soften.

" To take you back?"

He breaks further as his tears flow.

" Yes and that's horrible and terrible of me because I'm seeing someone else.. but.. but..."

She can't help but chuckle softly even as her heart aches for her boy.

" But he's not Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugo your first and deepest love, the one you have never gotten over."

Those words break a wall of deep emotion that flood his eyes further with heavy tears.

" Yes. I feel guilty about it though.", he sobs putting his head down watching tears drip onto his lap like rainwater.

She sighs.

" Ethan knew what he was getting into Izuku. He knew you weren't whole when he in my opinion, pressured you into dating. You had unresolved feelings for Katsuki and you told him that. He accepted that, maybe foolishly on his part but it's something that now he will also have to deal with the consequences of, whatever they may be. You will need time to figure this all out, it's unhealthy not to, if he cares he will let you do that no matter what that might end up meaning for him. If he's not patient and willing to do that that will tell you a lot also, don't ignore the signs."

He picks his head up with teary eyes.

" What.. what do you mean by that last part?"

She shrugs taking a sip from her cup.

" Just that I'm not sure Ethan, how however nice he may seem always has your best interest at heart."

He raises a brow.

" What makes you say that?"

She only smiles.

" Mother's intuition. Now back to Katsuki, you understand that he also is dealing with just as many emotions as you are, if not more. He had horrific injuries, PTS, left town and his job along with everyone he loved that included you, he worked himself hard to get better, came back home and to hero work. He has to readjust to everything plus deal with his own guilt of leaving you behind and the realization that he has possibly lost you for good. He hurts just as you do, his weight is heavy."

Izuku nods while his let's his emotions have their way.

"I know, and I know he hurts and that he's still trying to recover from everything. I just wish he'd let me help, I did back then too."

She takes his hand.

" I know hunny, and I know how much it hurts you as well. You know he's always had a hard time getting his feelings across. He's so proud and always wanted to be number one to you in so many ways, he never wanted you to see his flaws. He sees his trauma as a flaw, so it pushes him away even if his heart screams to be close. But I believe if you keep gently showing him you still care and that you want to help it'll eventually happen. You do need to talk at some point, I think he knows that too. You'll both need patience with the other."

He knows she's right, knows that everything she has spoken to him tonight is the truth.

He stands and wraps her in a hug.

Stolen Moments Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora