7. Auntie

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" The right people hear you, even when you're not talking."

Mitsuki sits at her kitchen table sipping her cup of tea while she listens to her now adult son banging things around upstairs in his old bedroom. This sound was not unusual, it was one that rang through the house on a normal basis when Katsuki was growing up.

He has always been like a bull in a China shop, even more so when he was upset and his emotions were all over the place like she knows they are right now.

The minute he had walked through the door this evening she could tell from the look on his face that he must have either seen or heard about Izuku. That was confirmed when he mumbled something about not being hungry, stalking up the stairs saying he was going go work out in his room, slamming the door with a thunderous bang that shook the ceiling.

That was over two hours ago and he's still slamming around up there. She sighs heavily picking up her phone and dialing a number she does almost daily.

Her best friend answers on the second ring.

" Mitsuki! I was just going to call you! Remember those curtains I was telling you about? Well I found them today in..

Inko's happy-go-lucky rambling is broken when she hears two words.

" He knows."

The green haired woman stills on the line feeling a knot form in her stomach.

" Oh my. That couldn't have gone well I assume.", she says sitting down on the sofa to listen carefully.

Mitsuki's eyes shift up to the ceiling hearing the steadiness of heavy hands pounding against what she's sure is her son's large punching bag.

" No, I'm not sure of the details Ink but he's been up in his room for hours slamming away at that damn bag. Have you heard anything from your brat?"

Inko shakes her head.

"No, not as of yet but I'm sure he's feeling many different things if he actually saw Katsuki today. We can't be sure what happened."

The blonde woman chuckles slightly.

" Well I didn't see any blood and the cops never showed up so I'm assuming Ethan is still alive.... for now anyways."

Inko can't help a small giggle.

" Oh my goodness Mitsuki that's a terrible thing to say!"

Mitsuki smirks.

" What, that he's still alive? I know."

Inko Midoriya should not be laughing at this but she can't help it as they both break into heavy laughter.

" Oh my word! Stop it! We really shouldn't be joking about that but I do know Katsuki's temper is not anything to be tested."

The blonde woman nods with a sigh.

" I think it's more his broken heart we're dealing with right now rather than his temper. Honestly I think his anger would be more easily dealt with."

Inko feels a wash of pain in her heart for the blonde she knows as one of her own.

She takes a deep breath deciding it's time for some one on one time with that explosive hero down the street.

" Send him down to his Auntie. Tell him I need him to fix something for me."

Mitsuki raises a brow then smiles.

" Good ol' heart to heart, come to Jesus talk with the brat just like the old days huh? When he would be throwing a damn fit in the house and the only way I could settle him down was to send him over to you."

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