{ II }

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{ II:I }

Todoroki froze when he heard the wood floor creak underfoot, swiveling his head to find the tall male in the doorway. His sleek deep blue hair was short and well kept as it shined in the sun’s golden overcast through the window. His sharp features were bold and defined as his intricate indigo blue gaze studied them with brewing concern and confusion behind silver half rim glasses. Todoroki gradually forced himself to relax as the intimidating class president granted himself permission to enter and approach them.

“Is all well?”, the male asked, his voice smooth, deep, rich, easily drawing you in. “You few have been acting really strange as of late and as your friend and as your class representative I am finding myself concerned for you..”. Midoriya froze up before quickly throwing the first thing she could get a hold of in the trash can to hide the pregnancy test. She was panicking but she didn't say a word to let it show. Tenya Iida tilted his head a tad to the left at her in confusion, his attentive blue gaze drifting to the trash. Midoriya tried to draw his attention back.

"Is there an issue, sir?" She asked in a tad too defensive of a tone as she walked to stand in front of Iida, correcting her posture to as tall as she could while looking up at him. Iida raised a brow at the shorter female. He stood at least another twelve inches taller than her, his shoulders and chest broad and his muscle definition prominent as he towered over her. She was a kitten trying to square up against this mountainous corso. Iida gazed down at her in confusion before speaking in a gentler tone.

"You know you can talk to me if you need anything right..?”, he asked, setting a gentle hand on her shoulder. He wanted to help his friend, especially if she was going through a rough time. She would have done the same for him. Midoriya rubbed the back of her neck as she gave a nervous laugh.

"Nooo..not with this... you might lecture me or really us and I don't really need that at the moment”, she answered. Iida gave her a perplexed look before he sighed. He could try and casually bring the matter up later at some point. He knew she couldn’t keep a secret for long.

"If you say so..", he mused, stepping back and glancing around one last time before turning and leaving the room. Midoriya sighed in relief, leaning against the wall slightly. That was a really close one. So close, Todoroki startled her as she didn’t hear him come up to her amidst her relief, the male whispering softly against her ear.

"He'll find out sooner or later....", he said softly, steady gaze still to the doorway. "I know..”, Midoriya answered softly back, letting herself relax against him now. “I just don't want him or really anyone to know just yet..."


Four months crawled by as the energy in the school was really starting to change. Todoroki finished his daily work out, showering and redressing before deciding to make his way back to Midoriya's dorm to check on her once again. He struggled to keep the anxiety that’s been plaguing him down, finding this to be the only way to at least try to calm and reassure himself. When was the last time he was this worried sick over someone?

He found the girl on her bed, humming softly to herself as she had induldged in to one of her many little projects. Todoroki watched her work for a moment in curiosity before quietly making his way over to her.

"Need help?", he asked, gesturing over the assortment of frames and pictures in front of her. Midoriya squeaked, startled by him suddenly being present as she brought her gaze up to the regal male’s face.

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