chapter 12

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and i present to you the extra visualiser !!!

· · ─────── ·♥︎· ─────── · ·
••• surprised •••

"so get out, get out, get out of my head,
and fall into my arms instead,"

[ one thing | one direction ]

           ALYA was very surprised at the calmness of her friend, who was quite literally living the dream of any other fan

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ALYA was very surprised at the calmness of her friend, who was quite literally living the dream of any other fan. To be able to casually show up for a job in the same studio as the supermodel was a daydream, really.

"I can't believe you witnessed this photoshoot live! And the interview too? What is your luck, Marinette?!" the brunette gushed as she gestured at the social media posting on her phone screen.

If only she knew about their interactions prior to yesterday, she would be absolutely livid.

Marinette knew it was best she kept it all to herself. She loved her best friend dearly, however the possible outcome of her actions would be irreversible, and she did not want to get caught up in any sticky situation revolving around Paris's heartthrob.

Now on campus, the two friends diverted their topic of converse to something relevant that day; Rose's birthday. They had brought their presents for her, and Marinette had even brought along a slice of her favourite cake from her parents' boulangerie.

Mrs. Bustiér was also in on their plan, and had volunteered to keep her distracted while the class set up the surprise for her.

In the classroom, everyone -- except Lila and Chloé of course -- pitched in, placing their presents on the birthday girl's table. Ivan helped light the candle on her cake slice, carefully handing the box to Juleka to hold.

"Lights!" Alya called, realising that crucial part of their plan had not been taken care of. Being the athlete he was, Kim lept over to the switches and turned them off.

"Okay! Stay there, you turn it on when she walks in with Mrs. Bustiér," Marinette piped up. A groan from Lila followed.

"You guys are ridiculous! I'm trying to do my makeup here! Turn the lights back on Kim!"

"No way in hell you're listening to her!" Alya barked instantly. The boy stood by the light switches, frozen.

"Shh, I think they're coming!" Alix hushes from the back windows of the class.

"Eh? Why is it so dark?" Rose asks, puzzled.

Kim turns on the lights, and they sing happy birthday to her in unison. Juleka walks from the back to the front, and Rose has the largest smile on her face.

She blows the candle out and beams at her classmates. "Thank you so much guys! This is so sweet!"

When she saw the amount of presents on her table, Rose gasps in shock. "Wow! You guys!"

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