chapter 4

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anyone else have a grudge against history....? like the subject in school....? bc i do.

anyways enjoy this chapter!! i apologise for the short chaps i'll try and roll out some longer ones soon <3
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••• again •••

ADRIEN sighed as he pushed the covers away. Today, he'd have to re-do a whole photoshoot on an empty stomach. It was hot outside, which didn't make it any better since almost if not all the outfits were sweaters or layered.

"Pick up your pace, Adrien, your father wants you to be there early," urged Nathalie, who was stood stiff by the doorframe like an AI. "Yes, Nathalie," the blond boy spat as politely as possible.

It took about twenty minutes or so to arrive at the park, and by then it was barely past nine-fifty. The crew were still setting up the lighting and cameras and such, so Adrien was swept into the first piece to be modeled.

This first one was the last one he had done the day before; a pair of basic dress pants and a white shirt under an elaborate patchwork coat. It was heavy on his shoulders, so much that he almost fell the first time he put it on.

Having a bit of empathy for the blond boy, Nathalie told the dresser to put it aside and let him wait for the equipment to be ready before they began the shoot.

Adrien sat in his chair, feeling dazed and tired despite the day just starting. He didn't want to do this. He brought this on himself. Who asked him to get so distracted thinking about a girl he only interacted with for a few seconds??? Silly. Now, he was stuck redoing his lousy work from yesterday, just when he hoped he would never have to wear those clothes again, too.

After three long painstaking hours, they finally wrap the shoot up and the teenage model can't help but let out a sigh of utter relief. He was sweating, starved and done with everything.

"Do you want a little something at that bakery? I've heard great things about them," Nathalie offered right as he was about to get in the car. Adrien glances at the personal assistant then at the bakery. It was calling out to him. He needed it. "Yes, please," he nodded gratefully. The woman chuckled. "I know you haven't had breakfast, you must be very hungry. Let's go."

The bell jingled, and the customers dining in all turned their heads to see. The blond boy lowered his head to prevent any recognitions, but Nathalie being by his side was a dead giveaway. Just as the customers were beginning to get up, Sabine speaks up from behind the display cases. "Please remain seated and give Mr. Agresté some space! He must be starving!"

In the queue, his heart skips a beat again. That girl from yesterday was stood there tending to the customer in front of him. 'So, she works here...' he says to himself with a hint of a smile on his face. "Next please!" she calls.

Marinette is a little taken aback when she sees Adrien Agresté and Nathalie walk up to her to order. It was her first time seeing them here. She was still in disbelief just how good he looked in real life. "Welcome! What can I get for you today, Mr. Agresté?" she greets in her best customer service voice possible.

She notices Adrien's eyes are shifting everywhere. Even Nathalie ends up turning to look at him expectingly for an answer. "Adrien?" she nudges. He blinks, seeming confused. "Uhm..." is all that leaves his mouth.

Nathalie turns back to Marinette with a sheepish smile. "I think he's unsure of what to get. What would you recommend?"

At this, the girl at the counter surveys the cases of pastries and other confectionery, before presenting her recommendations.

"Well, if you'd like something fulfilling and sweet, I'd go with our signature pain au chocolat, and pair that with an iced americano. If you'd prefer something more refreshing, you could try one of our assorted fruit danishes. You could always go the simple route with a plain croissant, too. We have a variety of fillings for them if you want to try."

Adrien was speechless. Not only was she beautiful visually, she also seemed to have a beautiful personality and voice and oh, just everything about her just seemed so perfect.

Man. What the hell has gotten into this boy...

"I think I'll...I'll go with the first option," he managed to say. "So one pain au chocolat and an iced americano, would you like that in a medium or large cup?" Marinette keyed it into the register and looked up at him for an answer.

Those eyes. They sparkled in the fluorescent lights. They were putting him in some sort of trance.

Adrien has officially gone crazy. Maybe he was too tired. "I'll take a large, I think I need the caffeine," he chuckles, and the girl does so too. "Alright," she says.

Her laughter is like a match lighting up his heart.

In a quick motion, Sabine retrieves the pain au chocolat and packs it into a paper bag. She places it on the counter. "That'll be €10.25 please," Marinette announces his amount due. Nathalie hands her the exact amount. "I'll go get your coffee really quick," she then says, turning her back towards them.

Adrien had to keep himself in check. He had the urge to place a hand over his heart to feel how fast it was beating, but that would just be suspicious.

"Here you are! Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy your meal," Marinette places the cup on the counter next to the paper bag and pushes it towards Adrien, flashing him a final smile.

"I think you should learn how to socialise more," Nathalie remarked once they were on the road home. Adrien had to hold back a scoff before biting into his pain au chocolat.

It was heavenly. The warm, rich, chocolate paired with the flakey, buttery pastry was paradise to his tastebuds. "I see why this place is popular," he says, diverting the earlier topic. "This is so good," he gushes, before taking a sip of his drink next. It was awakening and fresh, cutting out the richness of the chocolate to avoid queasiness.

"I think I would get these exact things again," Adrien tells Nathalie as he finished them both up. By this time, they're pulling up to the Agresté Mansion. "I'm glad you liked it. Remember though, you can't have it often, your father would be furious," she reminds him. He nods. He knew the drill. He knew it very well indeed.

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