chapter 5

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yay done with exams (i only have one more draft of this story after posting this one i have to keep writing for yall 😭🙏)

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••• third time's a charm •••

"no, that can't be,
no, not just yet,
not falling for some girl that i just met,"
[ conversations with the moon | grentperez ]

   HE wasn't sure what exactly had gotten into him. How could he have so many thoughts like this about a girl he had just met? He didn't even know her name. He knew nothing about her, yet, his heart knew something. Was this really what love at first sight felt like?

     Marinette and Alya were walking to school as per usual. The raven-haired girl still had not said one thing about her interactions with a certain blond boy. It was killing her mentally. Yes, it was only simple, ordinary, and completely normal interactions, but each second to her just felt surreal.

The pair were quite surprised to see a crowd at their school. There was probably some event they weren't informed about (or didn't bother to check). "And what exactly is happening here?" Alya pulls aside Mylene, curious as to what was going on.

"Didn't you hear? Lila was featured on the front cover of Paris Weekly with Adrien Agresté! She's getting big as a model, so the school is celebrating!"

The two best friends shared a look of surprise. Lila was, as much as they didn't like to talk badly about people, kind of a stuck-up person. She was Chloé's close friend, and Chloé did not like Marinette. You could guess how the raven-haired girl's status with Lila was like from there.

Alya was gradually pulling her towards the crowd surrounding the two teenage models, however, Marinette resisted. "I would rather just get to class," she said simply. Understanding, the brunette switches directions towards the staircase up to their classroom.

Inside said classroom, after fifteen minutes or so, said teenage models enter with the class' teacher, Ms. Bustier, who was holding a thick stack of magazine copies.

"As you all know, I have had this wonderful opportunity to work with Adrien," Lila begins to speak, her arms wrapping around the boy she was referring to. The boy had to resist a gag, instead subtly shaking her off. "We would appreciate your support by purchasing the magazines which we are featured on the front cover on, right Adrien?" she then nudges the boy flirtatiously.

With a press of his lips to hold himself back from clicking his tongue in distaste, he nods and quickly paints a smile on his face. "All money earned will be donated to charity, so these will be for a good cause for not only supporting your classmate here, but also to help those in need," he informed.

He scanned the room to see if anyone was interested, when his heart stopped as his gaze fell on a certain bluebell-eyed girl. "She's Lila AND Chloé's classmate...?" he marvelled at the small world internally.

The boy didn't realise he was staring, and lucky for him (not), she had caught him in the act. With a nervous gulp, he turns forward again. "So, is anyone interested?"

At an instant, half the class had gotten up to purchase without hesitation.

Marinette, on the other hand, was feeling quite the opposite. "Should I?" she asked Alya for an opinion. "If you're genuinely interested, yeah, go ahead," she replies. Slowly, the raven-haired girl gets out of her seat to join the line.

Pretty BluebellМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя