chapter 10

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i realised i forgot to add a disclaimer; i am not shipping the idols used in this fanfiction. i am solely using them for visual representation in the social media elements, please and thank you !!!

also down with slight flu so huhu taking it slow

also i had no idea what to name this chapter fun fact naming chapters is the most annoying part of writing for me 😁🙏

· · ─────── ·♥︎· ─────── · ·
••• situation •••

ADRIEN gaped at the screen, in disbelief at what he was reading.

It was an article questioning his relationship with Lila after that slight disaster of a visit to her school the day before.

He was just picking her up for a photoshoot. He didn't expect the whole thing to escalate how it did at all.

He always disliked how she was so clingy and invasive, like she owned him, and this could be considered his final straw.

"Contact the creator, request then to take down of this article. Immediately. Talk to Lila's legal team. I don't want to hear anything about us being more than coworkers," he instructed Nathalie sternly.

It was rare for him to use that tone, but he felt enraged, probably more than he was supposed to, but could you blame him?

     "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Kagami remarked the second she saw Adrien strut towards her with a displeased look on his face.

"Let's just say I have a bone to pick with a certain girl," he paused in his tracks, looking up with a huff.

She mused, nodding her head. "Considering you didn't even bother acknowledging me when you arrived earlier, I'm guessing you're pissed?"

The boy clicked his tongue in distaste. "I think pissed is an understatement."

Once silence had fallen in the car ride, his blood began to boil even more when he realised this wouldn't have started if he hadn't been dragged to pick her up at school yesterday for a shoot.

It also wouldn't have started if she had claimed for him to be her boyfriend.

During the first few days of her clinging to him like a baby sloth, she merely insisted it was a publicity stunt and that it would draw more business to his father's brand -- not that it needed it, now that he thought of it.

"Has your father heard about it yet?" Kagami asked, and the boy shuddered at the thought.

He knew Nathalie had asked him because Gabriel had not found out yet, as if he did, he would take matters into his own hands.

His father was an unpredictable man, for sure, so he couldn't possibly imagine what he would do if the situation fell under his control.

"Let's just get practicing, I don't want to think about it anymore," he sighed, his fencing partner understanding as they proceeded to get into stance without another word.

He hoped by the time his long hours of practice were over for the night, the whole mishap would be resolved.

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