"I fell... scraped my back against the wall...", she tried to be discreate, not really wanting to get into just how hopelessly pathetic she was. Todoroki didn't question her any further, nor did he turn away or point out how clumsy she was. Instead, the dainty male dropped down to his knees, opening his arms slightly for her.

Midoriya was surprised by this. The quiet male usually kept to himself and was awkward when it came to physical touch. She immediately threw herself at him, hugging him tightly. This felt so genuine, Midoriya was giddy, completely overjoyed by this.

Thank you, Todoroki", she cooed. Shoto Todoroki blinked in surprise before nodding, taking a moment to study her back before he pulled away.

We should get you to Recovery Girl...", he told her calmly. Midoriya frowned, the hug having ended too soon for her. She didn't argue though, allowing the elegant teen to lead the way down to the hospital wing of the school to fix her up. Though their time together was short that day, Midoriya had enjoyed it. When she wasn't chasing after Bakugo, Midoriya did find her gaze often drifting to Todoroki. The teen was rather mysterious. It fascinated her.

In the days that passed, Midoriya decided to keep away from the aggressive ash blonde she wanted to please so much for a while and in place of it, she spent her time with Todoroki. The male didn't seem to mind her company. He seemed to enjoy it as a matter of fact. They hung out together anytime they got the chance. He had the softest smile, it filled her with such joy the first time she saw it. She wanted him to smile like that more often. Longed for it. She didn't realize at first, but she started to find herself falling for him. Falling for him like she had Bakugo. She knew she shouldn't. She knew she couldn't have them both and she knew it was wrong to think like that but she couldn't stop herself from fawning over them in her dreams.

Karma was quick to bite though as she came back one night from a mini date with Todoroki. She had finally gathered the courage to ask him out to dinner. She felt they hit it off splendidly. The regal teen was at her side, walking her to her dorm when out of nowhere, Bakugo emerged from the shadow. He was fuming, curled fists crackling dangerously with glowing sparks as he stared down the taller male. Midoriya didn't understand at first. Before she knew it, Bakugo was charging forward, dangerous hands outstretched as he lunged at Todoroki, caving a hole into the opposing wall with the teen's body.

"Kacchan, stop!", Midoriya cried, panicking. Bakugo wouldn't stop. His jealousy had the better of him. He was so sick of watching Midoriya prance around with this upper class extra. She was his first. She always came running after him in the end. Bakugo wasn't going to just let her run off with this fucker after everything between them. Todoroki grunted in pain, hissing as he tossed the smaller male off him, quickly countering an explosive swing with a sheet of ice, blood beading in the fresh cut across his cheek.

Midoriya didn't know what to do, she felt powerless to stop the fight without hurting either one of them worse in the process. Instead, she tried to get in between them. Bakugo spun around to land another heated attack, crackling fingers scarcely missing Midoriya as they grazed her cheek. The ash blonde blinked, scoffing.

"Out of my way Deku", he growled, Todoroki slowly getting back to his feet, breathing fast and heavy.

"No!", Midoriya yelled, tears welling in her eyes as she stood as tall as she could. "I won't let you two fight like this!"

"Don't make me move you myself!", Bakugo snapped. Midoriya wouldn't budge, the girl trembling as she tried to hold her ground between the two males. Todoroki stared Bakugo down, ready to spring the moment the ash blonde even tried to touch her. The aggressive smaller male growled. Midoriya was scared.

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