Chapter 17

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We look around Dark Island wasn't dark anymore

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We look around Dark Island wasn't dark anymore. Just like after a storm the sun peeked through the clouds.
"It's beautiful!" Exclaims Leona, Caspian puts an arm around his sister.
A couple of boats start to appear from the lifting fog.
"Boats!" I exclaim."And they're full of people!"
Gael and Rhince recognize one of the people.
"Mummy!" Gael cries.
"Helaine!" This from Rhince, they both jump off the boat and swim towards us.
As Lucy, Ruth, and I watch the family reunion, Edmund walks up to us and puts a strong arm around each of us, one around and Lucy and the other around Ruth and me.
Lucy tries to hide a few tears against our brother's shoulder.
"Crying!" I ask.
"Yes, because Gael found her family." Nods Lucy.
"There's no shame in crying, Verity!" Ruth tells, me wiping her own tears.
"Let's have them on board, clear the decks," Caspian orders, he walks up to us, with Leona beside him.
"We did it. I knew we would," Lucy grins.
"It wasn't just us though," Edmund answers.
"You mean..." begins Caspian.
"Hey, Lucy, I'm down here," my younger sister walks over to the other end of the deck, I follow.
Below is Eustace, not the dragon, but my cousin, swimming in the water.
"I'm a boy again! I'm a boy!" He exclaims.
"I can see that and you've changed," I nod.
Edmund and the others join us.
"Eustace, I see your wings have been clipped!" Says Reep excitedly jumping in beside him.
"Where the sky and water meet, where the waves grow ever sweet..." the mouse pauses from singing,"Wait it's sweet!" He and Eustace taste the water.
"What do you mean, Reep?" I ask.
"Try some yourself, your majesty," the mouse answers.
I bring a bucket and scoop up some off the water,"By Jove!" It was the sweetest water I'd ever had."You're right."
"Let me taste," Leona tries some of it,"Why it tastes almost like light!"
"Look! Look!" Reepicheep points. I see a big wave of water.
"Aslan's country," mutters Caspian.
"We've come this far," Edmund replies.
"Let's go see," Ruth says excitedly.
A few hours later we are in a longboat. All of us, Caspian, Edmund, Leona, Eustace, Lucy, Ruth, Reepicheep, and I.
"So what was it like, when Aslan changed you back?" Edmund asks Eustace.
"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it," begins Eustace,"Then he came towards me, it sort of hurt, but it was good pain. You know when you pull a thorn from your foot."
"That reminds me, I had totally forgotten that was how Jesus is." I muse,"I guess I was trying to justify myself by my good works for salvation, but only his blood could save me. Just as I am and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, to thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, Oh, Lamb of God, I come." Tears came to my eyes, but I wiped them. Oh, how comforting those words were.
"She's talking about someone in our world," Ruth explains to Caspian, Reep, and Leona.
"I'm sorry what I said, Verity, about you not being a good Christian earlier. The truth was I was convicted." Eustace tells me,"But I learned my lesson, being a dragon wasn't that bad. I mean I think I was a better dragon then I was a boy. I'm sorry."
"It's alright, Eustace, you were a pretty good dragon," Edmund replies.
"And you've changed," Leona says.
"Yes," I nod,"Everyone could agree to that."
"My friends, we have arrived!" Announces Reepicheep.
When we reach the shore, we climb out of the both and walk towards the huge wave.
I catch sight of Aslan, he was more majestic than ever.
"Aslan," Eustace says.
"Welcome, children, you have done well. Very well indeed," Aslan tells us," You have come far, now you're journey's at it's end."
"Is this your country?" Asks Lucy.
"No, my country lies behind," Aslan answers.
"Is our father in your country?" Asks Caspian.
"I hope he is," Leona says hopefully.
"You can only find that out yourself, my children, but if you continue there is no return," Aslan replies.
Caspian steps forward and sticks his hand in the wave, but takes it back out.
"Are you not going?" Edmund asks Caspian, confused.
"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I spent to long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom, a people." He explains, he looks at Caspian,"I promise to be a better king."
"You already are," the lion answers."Children," he turns to us.
I realize what Aslan wants to talk to us about. This was our last time.
"I think it's time we went home, Lu, Verity," Edmund tells us.
"I thought you liked it here," says a confused Lucy.
"And we can't leave just yet," I add,"There's so much I wanted to talk to Aslan about."
"Yes and so do I?" Ruth says
"I do, but I love home and our family. They need us," Edmund explains.
"I suppose you're right, Ed," I nod in agreement.
Reepicheep steps up to Aslan,"Your eminence, for years I have dreamt of seeing your country. I have had many adventures in this country but nothing has dampened that yearning. I am hardly worthy but with your permission. I would gladly lay down my sword to see the joys of your country with my own eyes."
"My country was made for noble hearts like you no matter how small their bearers are," Aslan answers.
"Your majesty," Reepicheep bows again.
"No one could be more deserving," Caspian grins.
"He is the most noblest crew member we had on board," Leona adds.
"And smartest," Ruth puts in.
"Well I..." begins the mouse.
"It's true," Edmund finishes bowing.
"You'll be missed, Reep," I tell him, bowing.
Lucy walks over to him,"May I?" She asks.
"Well, I suppose, just this..." but before Reepicheep could finishes Lucy had engulfed him a hug.
"Goodbye, Lucy," the mouse says.
Eustace gets down to his level."Don't cry," Reepicheep soothes him.
"I don't understand, will I not see you again. Ever," the boy asks.
"What a magnificent puzzle you and a true hero. It's been an honour to fight with such a brave warrior and a true friend," the mouse chuckles.
They bow and then Reepicheep takes his leave. He drops his sword on the ground and hops into a boat and sails away on the huge wave to Aslan's country.

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