Chapter 6

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After Lucy, Ruth, and I had dressed in our sailour's attire, we joined Caspian and Edmund

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After Lucy, Ruth, and I had dressed in our sailour's attire, we joined Caspian and Edmund. Caspian and Leona led us to Caspian's den, the place where he spent most of his time.
As he opens the door the three of us walk in. Lucy stops by a gold engagement of the Great Lion.
"Aslan," she smiles.
I walk over to a large book on the table, the book where I recorded Narnia's history so many years ago.
"Here," Leona gives me my dagger pen."You might want to write of your return."
"Thanks!" I grin as I finger my most beloved tool."What about my seal?"
"You're seal?" Leona asked confused.
"Odd's fish, you must have forgotten. Or you don't know. Well, it's best to keep it a secret," I sighed.
Ruth nudged me,"Verity, I know you want to continue saving those temple children, but we're not near Tashbaan  at the moment."
I glared at her,"I know, but I'll need to organize a new army."
"What army?" Caspian asked.
My shoulders stiffened,"Nothing."
"Look, Susan's bow and arrows," Lucy says as she walks over to them.
"And her horn." I put my dagger pen down.
"And my bow and arrow and dagger," Ruth says excitedly at another glass case.
"And my sword right beside it," I add.
"Lucy," Caspian opens a box revealing her healing cordial dagger.
"My healing cordial and dagger," Lucy says excitedly,"May I?"
"Of course they're yours," Caspian nods."And so can you, Ruth."
"Thanks," she takes her bow and dagger out of its case.
"Peter's sword," Edmund turns my attention to the legendary sword of Rhindon, in which Peter used to kill Maugrim.
"Yes, looked after as promised," Caspian takes the beautiful sword from its glass case.
"Rhindon," I muse.
"Sorry?" Leona asks.
"Rhindon that was the name given to my brother, the High King's sword," I reply.
"Here hold it if you like," Caspian says to Edmund, who looked at with amazement.
"No," my brother shook his head,"Peter gave it to you."
"I did save this for you," chuckles Caspian, tossing a very familiar looking torch to Edmund.
"Thanks," grins Edmund, turning on the torch only to be blinded by it.
"Edmund haven't you forgotten how to turn on a torch?" I tease.
"I haven't forgotten, Verity, just lost practice," Edmund retorts.
"Huh uh!" I cross my arms, and give him my "Really?" Look.
"Your Highness," Says Lord Drinian as he enters the room,"Perhaps you should tell or King and Queens where we are headed."
"Where are we headed?" I ask curiously.
"Well, since you left the giants of North of surrendered unconditionally?" Explains Caspian showing us a map,"Then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert. There is peace all across Narnia."
"Caspian, maybe you shouldn't boast about your victories," Leona says to her brother.
"Well, aren't they supposed to know that all is well in Narnia?" The King replies cheekily.
Peace." Both Edmund and I muse, it was just like our Golden Age.
"In just three years," Caspian boasts.
"And have you found a Queen in those three years?" Lucy asks, putting a stray hair behind her ear.
"Not one to compare with your sister," Caspian answers.
"I'm sure she would have made you a fine queen," Ruth remarks.
"I've been trying to match Caspian with every girl in Narnia," Leona explains,"And it isn't going to well."
"That's because you pick the wrong ones," Caspian teases her.
Leona ignores him.
"Hang on if there's no war and there's no one fight then why are we here?" Edmund asks confused.
"That's a good question, I've been asking myself the same thing," Caspian replies.
"Then Aslan must have called us, there's something else he wants us to do," Ruth concludes.
"So where are we sailing to?" Asks Edmund.
"Seems Caspian has forgotten the most important part," Leona teases her brother.
"Before I took the throne back from my uncle he tried to kill my father's most closest friends and loyal supporters. The seven Lords of Telmar. They've fled to the Lone Islands, no one has heard from them since." He points to the islands on the map.
"So do you think something has happened to them?" Edmund asks.
"Well, if it is it's my duty to find out." Caspian says.
"What's east of the Lone Islands?" Lucy asks.
"Uncharted waters, things you can barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents," answers Lord Drinian.
"Sea serpents!" Edmund and I ask at the same time incredulously.
"Alright, Captain, that's enough of your tall tales," Caspian tells him as he bites into an apple.
The next day after a nice night's rest Lucy, Ruth, and I explore the deck.
The sun shone brightly upon us warming me with its golden rays.
Leona was still asleep, as I remember she wasn't a morning person like me.
I heard Reepicheep singing up at the dragon head of the ship. Lucy and I both climbed up beside him.
"Where the sky and water meet, where the waves grow ever sweet. Doubt not ye Reepicheep, to find all that seek, you'll find the utter east!"
"That's lovely." Lucy comments.
"Where did you learn it?" Ruth asks.
The mouse seems surprised to see us at first."Oh thank you, a dryad sang it to me when I was a mouseling. I can't define what it means, but I've never forgotten the words."
"What do you think is past the Lone Islands?" Lucy asks anxiously.
"You've been asking everyone that, Lu, you know Drinian was only joking about the sea serpents," I say, but I wait for Reepicheep's answer.
"Well, I've been told the farthest east one can sail is the end of the world, Aslan's country!" Reepicheep replies.
"The end of the world!" I gasp,"I was told that was just a myth, isn't your world round?"
"Your world might, but ours is flat," Reepicheep replies.
"Do you really think there is such a place?" Lucy asks doubtfully.
"Well, we'd have nothing without belief," Reepicheep answers.
"Do you really think you could actually sail there?" This coming from Lucy, I'm confused, wasn't Lucy the one with the faith?
"And is Aslan's country real?" Adds Ruth.
"Well there's only one way of finding out. I just hope that one day I will earn my right to see it," the mouse explains,"Your Majesties!" He climbs down from his perch.
"He's right where would we be without faith," I tell my sisters, we get down from our high view and sit at the deck to where Edmund and Caspian are sword fighting. It was just the playful kind.
At that moment I see Leona walk up to us.
"You're awake," I say to her.
"Yes," she sits beside us, watching her brother and my brother fight.
They're swords meet before they lower them,"You've grown stronger, my friend," Caspian comments.
"I suppose I have," grins Edmund, he walks over to us drinking a cup of water.
"I bet I could still beat you, Ed," I clutch the hilt of my sword.
"Oh, really," he laughs.
"Of course, don't underestimate your younger sister," I cross my arms.
"Uh-uh," Edmund replies doubtful.
"Edmund, do you think if we sailed to the end of the world, we'd just tip off the edge?" Lucy asks anxious again.
"Don't worry, Lu, we're a long way from that," Edmund pats her arm.
"Aren't you two longing to have a duel?" Leona asks us.
"Oh right, unless Edmund's scared," I begin to unsheathe my sword.
I hear someone coming from below the deck,"I see you four are still talking nonsense," remarks Eustace drily.
"We're not talking nonsense," Ruth returns.
"Are you feeling better?" Lucy asks out of o concern.
"Yes, no thanks to you, it's lucky I have an iron constitution." He scoffs.
"You that wasn't really nice," Ruth reprimands him.
"As if I care," Eustace glares,"I don't need you to judge me for every move I make, Preacher."
"Eustace," Edmund glares at him.
"As everfeserevent as ever, find your sea legs," Reepicheep comments.
"Never lost them, just getting used to the shock of things. Mother says I've an acute disposition due to my intelligence," Eustace brags.
Causing Edmund to choke on his water, while trying to hold back a laugh.
"I don't think he has a cute anything," whispers Reepicheep.
"He just likes to brag about his intelligence," I reply,"Reminds me of my old me."
"You know has soon as we reach civilization I'm contacting the British Consul, have you all arrested for kidnapping," Eustace threatens.
"You know Eustace this is Narnia not England," I reply smartly.
"Who cares," mumbles Eustace, he bumps into Caspian.
"Kidnapping is it?" The king asks.
"You held me against my will, in what I must say, are the most unhengyiec quarters. It's like a zoo down there?" Grumbles Eustace.
"He's quite a complainer," says Reepicheep annoyed.
"He's just warming up," my brother answers.
"He's not as smart as he thinks, you know, he probably wouldn't be alive if Caspian wouldn't have helped him," Leona comments.
Ruth laughs,"He's always like that."
"I can't believe how you put up with him," Leona mutters.
"We just do," Edmund answers.
I watch as my cousin goes back down to the lower deck in a storm. He was making everything so miserable.
"Well, Ed, the duel," I sheathing my sword.
Edmund relented and we clashed our swords at eachother. I did one handed and walked backwards, not seeing where I was going.
"Verity, watch out!" Lucy cried, I bumped into a barrel, knocking it over.
"Show-off," Edmund scoffed, as he helped me up.
"I was just doing what Sir Percy did," I answered hotly, sheathing my sword scowling.
"And why must you do that?" He asked.
"Because." I didn't know why.

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