Chapter 12

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The next morning we see another island, we hop on longboats and sail towards it

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The next morning we see another island, we hop on longboats and sail towards it.
"I doubt the Lords stopped here, my liege, there's no sign of anything living," Reepicheep comments.
"They could still have stopped here," Leona answers.
I look at the island, mountains the majority.
"Right, well, once we get ashore look for food, the five of us will go look for clues," Caspian replies.
"Hang on, you mean the seven of us," protests Eustace,"Come on, please, don't leave me with the rat."
"I heard that!" Calls Reepicheep, pretending to be annoyed,
"He's not a rat, Eustace," I say to my cousin.
"Big ears!" Mumbled Eustace.
"I heard that, too!" The mouse retorts.
We all break out in laughter.
When we reach the shore, the five of us, not including Eustace, do some exploring.
We reach a top of a hill.
"I'm exhausted," Leona sighs, as she sits on the ground.
"Well, we haven't got all day," Caspian tells his sister.
"And we haven't found anything, yet," I kick a stone in frustration.
"Look we're not the first ones on the island," Caspian points to a rope tied to a boulder, leading to a chasm.
"Why we almost would have walked right past it!" I gasp and n surprise.
Leona gets up and joins the five of us.
"The lords," Edmund suggests.
"Could be," Caspian answers.
"Caspian, somethings shining down there!" Exclaims Leona.
Sure enough, something was flickering down there. Odd. Unless it was gold.
"What do you think could be done there?" Caspian muses.
"I don't know," Ruth shrugs her shoulder.
"Let's find out," replies Lucy.
Edmund climbs down the rope, followed by the rest of us.
We find us in a cave, with a pond and a gold statue lying face down in the water. Other pieces of gold lay around it.
"What's that?"Asks Caspian confused.
"I don't know some kind of gold statue," Edmund replies, taking a stick and poking it in the water.
I climb down and stand beside my brother.
"The stick! Ed! It's turning to gold!" I exclaim.
Edmund drops it into the pool.
"What in the world..." Ruth begins.
"How..." Leona interrupts me.
"He must have fallen in," Caspian says.
"Poor man," Lucy mutters sympathetically.
"You mean poor lord," Caspian corrects her,"The crest of Lord Restimar," he points out.
"And his sword," Edmund replies excitedly.
"Only five more to get," I grin.
"We need it."
"Be careful," Lucy warns as Edmund bends over and picks up the lord's sword, using his sword.
"The sword hasn't turned to gold."
Edmund hands me Lord Restimar's sword, I finger it gently.
"He must've not known what hit him," Lucy mourned.
"Or maybe he was on to something," Edmund replies.
"What do you mean?" Leona asks confused.
"I think I know," I grin, my brother was so predictable.
"Ed, please, not one of your wild goose chases," Ruth warns.
Edmund takes a shell and dips it into the water, the shell turns to gold. He looks at it and excited look on his face.
"What are you staring at?" Lucy asks anxiously.
"Whoever has excess to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world. Lucy, Verity, Ruth, we could be so rich no one could tell us what to do or how to live with!" My brother responds.
"Edmund, that might not be a bad idea," I grin.
"No it isn't," protests Ruth.
"You can't take anything out of Narnia," Caspian cuts us off.
"Who said," Edmund says coldly.
"I do," the king answers.
"You're just jealous, because we discovered this first," I glare at him.
" And We're not your subjects," Edmund retorts.
I nod,"If it wouldn't have been for us, you wouldn't be king."
"You two have been waiting for this to challenge me, you doubt my leadership," Caspian accused.
"You doubt yourself," Edmund yells.
"Exactly," I grin.
"You're children," Caspian glares.
"And you're a spineless sap," Edmund answers.
"Edmund, Verity," protests Lucy and Ruth.
"Caspian!" Cries Leona.
"I'm tired of playing second fiddle. First it was Peter now it's you. Why do you deserve Peter's sword. I deserve a kingdom of my own, I deserve to rule!" Edmund shouts.
"He's right," I agree with my brother.
"Verity, you're not helping the situation!" Scolds Ruth. But I ignore her.
"If you think you're so brave prove it!" Caspian challenges.
They both yell as they unsheathe their swords. I do mine too.
"Verity! Don't you dare!" Ruth pulls me back.
"Stop it!" Both Lucy and Leona yell.
We all lower our swords.
"Look at yourselves," Lucy begins.
"Don't you feel foolish," Leona adds.
  "Can't you see what's happening. This place is tempting you, it's deceiving you. This is exactly what Corikan was talking about," Lucy explains.
"We should leave, before anything worse happens," Ruth says.
I put my sword back in its sheathe,"How could you?" That same voice says,"You're a failure, you keep messing up, Peter's way ahead of you. And you can't ever be who you were before. Faithful Moses was a failure as well."
I follow the others out of the chasm full of shame.

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