Chapter 9

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As we climb onto the Dawn Treader, I can barely hide my cough

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

As we climb onto the Dawn Treader, I can barely hide my cough. It seemed my whole body shook with every rattle.
"Are you alright?" Ruth asks me.
"Fine, couldn't have felt any better," I grin cheerfully, but I break into another spasm, I lean against the railing,"Just a bit of congestion."
"You look pale," Leona says.
"Probably just from the scare we've had," I answer. I use my arm to cover my cough.
"Verity," It's Edmund now, he puts a hand on my shoulder,"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, for crying out loud," I tell my siblings and Leona exasperated,"It's not like I'll catch consumption and die!"
"Don't talk like that!" Lucy says to me.
"I wasn't saying, I was going to die, but we all are someday," I answer, but I am attacked by another serious of coughs.
"What's the matter?" Caspian asks as he steps on to the boat.
"That cough, Verity, it doesn't look too good," Oliver stated.
"Come on," Edmund puts an arm around my shoulders."You have a cold and you don't want it to get any worse."
I follow without protest, Lucy and Ruth follow behind us, she runs to open the door of our cabin, and Edmund half carries me in. My head throbs and my chest heaves at every cough I make.
Lucy makes the pillows comfortable, and Edmund helps me lie down.
"I'm alright, ok," I protest.
"No, you're not," Edmund retorts,"You always say that, if Peter had believed you the day your leg was injured, you'd have died."
"Well, Lucy's cordial helped me," I say, stubbornly.
"But I don't think my cordial helps with colds," Lucy replies,"The man mentioned injuries only."
"Well, it's just a cough," I say to them.
Ruth puts a hand on my forehead,"You're burning up!"
"You don't have to act like that, Verity, we know you're sick and I'm sure you know it too," Edmund replies.
"Fine, I'm sick, but I'll get better don't worry, tomorrow I'll be up and about," I answer.
"Well, get some sleep," Edmund tells me.
I listen this time, the next morning I wake up feeling much better.
Edmund is still sitting by my bed
"I'm alright, where's Lucy and Ruth?" I ask, as I get out of bed.
"Verity, you're still coughing," Edmund says to me warily.
"You don't have to be so over-protective your beginning to sound like Peter," I scowl, as I both on my boats, and sword belt.
"Well, if Peter wouldn't have tried to protect you, you'd probably be dead. Remember the tiger attack, and when Birsha planned on killing you, and when you were thrown into prison for freeing the temple children in Tashbaan. What about the time you got shot by Lord Raven and when that same Lord was about to take your life, and I saved you, and the time you fell in that river, if Peter..."
"Brothers," I scowl, I leave the room, saying,"Shut up. And shouldn't you be cleaning that sword of yours" I hadn't meant to be rude, but I was upset. I was 15 not 4 years old anymore.
When I left the room, I saw Oliver heading below deck.
"What's up, Oliver?" I ask curiously.
"Oh, your majesty, feeling better already," the he says surprised.
"Of course, but Edmund doesn't think so," I answer disgusted.
"Well, he's just concerned, don't be too hard on him," Oliver replies.
"He's being hard on me," I retort."Brothers!"
"At least you have a family," Oliver answers.
I ignore him, because I saw Eustace sneaking down below deck.
"What's he doing?" I ask curiously.
"My guess he's up to no good," we turn to find Reepicheep.
We follow Eustace down to where the food is stored. I watch as my cousin grabs an orange and hides it in his shirt.
"Eustace! Don't you know the ten commandments, though shalt not steal?" I say to him, he sneers.
"Who cares, you know you don't follow them either and you claim you're a Christian, you and Edmund both lied about going for a walk the other day. You went to the library, which my mother said you shouldn't go to," he retorts.
I step back, troubled at what he said, he was right. I don't act like a Christian, sometimes I felt I couldn't do it. I'm reminded of when Jesus talked of the mote and the beam in Matthew. I couldn't do it, it was impossible.
" Are you aware that stealing rations is a capital offense at sea!" Reepicheep scares Eustace.
"Look I've had quite enough of you."
Reepicheep points his sword at Eustace.
Eustace takes Reepicheep's tale.
"Off with the tail. The Great Aslan himself gave me this tail, no one repeat no one touches the tail. Period. Exclamation mark !" He shouts.
I laugh,"A tail is the honor and glory of a mouse ,Eustace." I grin.
"Sorry," mumbles my cousin.
"Now I will have the orange, then satisfaction ."the mouse continues.
Eustace grabs a cooking knife and tries to get Reepicheep, he bounds up to the deck and Eustace chases him, with me following.
When we reach the deck, Edmund was cleaning his sword, he looked up when he say the commotion. As did Lucy, who was sitting across the deck and Ruth who was talking with Leona.
"Trying to run away are you, you know this is a boat," Reepicheep says.
"Look can't we just discuss this," Protests Eustace.
"Don't tell me you're a coward," Oliver teases my cousin.
Reepicheep uses his sword to grab Eustace's hidden orange.
"That was for stealing, that was for lying and that was for good measure," Reepicheep tells him, slapping him with the orange three times.
Eustace aims for the mouse two times with the pettiful knife, but misses.
"Ah! That's the spirit! Now we have ourselves a duel!" The mouse exclaims, he sends the orange flying over to Drinian who catches it.
We all laugh as Eustace struggles to get Reepicheep."Now, come on, take your best shoot. That's it, come on boy! Focus!"
"Stop flapping your wings like a drunken pelican. Poise," the mouse orders.
It was like that for five minutes straight, sword clashing against knife until Reepicheep fall overboard. Eustace looked down from where Reep fall, but than I see the mouse climb on his shoulder, onbeknounce to him.
Eustace finally discovers the mouse, but he trips and knocks over a barrel.
I hear a scream and out comes the girl, Rhince's daughter.
"Look," Lucy exclaims.
"Gael, what are you doing her?" Asks Rhince, walking over to her, he pulls her into a hug.
"Looks like we have an extra crew member," comments Drinian as he hands her the orange.
"Welcome abroad," Lucy walks over to Gael.
"It is a pleasure to have you," Leona says warmly.
"Indeed it is," Ruth grins
"Your majesties," Gael bows.
"Please, call me Lucy," my younger sister replies.
"And I'm just Leona," adds Caspian's sister.
"And I'm Ruth."
The three of them lead her to Leona's cabin.
Eustace walks past Reepicheep and I,"Good match, I'll make a swordsman of you yet," the mose says.
"That is if he can handle one," I joke.
"Well, yes, at least we're a little bit even, could have been an entirely different result," mumbles Eustace.
"Verity!" I turned to find Oliver,"You haven't tried a dual with me have you?"
"No, but..." I unsheathed my sword,"I'd like to see your skill."
Our swords met, and we fought vigorously and we weren't easy on each other. We were tough each of us. I used only one arm and this time the trick worked,"I did it!" I grinned, as Oliver sheathed my sword.
"What you won," he answered.
"Fair play," I shook his hand,"Or should there be a penalty for the loser."
"Oh, Verity, come on," he groaned,"You know losing is enough."
"Well, if there's no penalty you won't try to get better," I returned.
"She's right," Ruth nodded.
"I don't need a motaviation to get better," he scoffed.
"You sometimes are lazy, Oliver," I stated.
"I am not," he shook his head.
"What do you think, Ed?" I turned to my brother.
"Not to be offensive, but she's right," Edmund nodded.
"Look at least I can use my sword," he justified himself.
"Well, you need to get better," I crossed my arms.
"Verity, just let him go," Caspian said.
"But..." I protested.
"Don't but the king of Narnia," he answered upset.
I glared at him in annoyance.

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