Chapter 11

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A few days later, there was a huge storm, Drinian called Edmund, Caspian, and I into the office

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A few days later, there was a huge storm, Drinian called Edmund, Caspian, and I into the office.
"We're stuck here at half-rations with food and water at two weeks maximum. This is your last chance to turn back, your majesties," Drinian says moodily.
"We can't it would be cowardly," I protest from my corner, sitting on a chair.
Drinian shakes his head,"This isn't about courage, your majesty, there's no guarantee we'll spot the blue star soon, not in this storm, needle in a haystack trying to find this Ramadu place. We could sail right past it and sail off the edge of the world."
"Or get eaten by a sea serpent," jokes Edmund.
"That's a myth it could never happen, all in favour of continuing?" I ask.
"Excuse me, your majesty, but like I told your brother before..." begins Drinian.
"I know, the chain of command begins with Caspian," I retort.
"And I'm just saying," continues Drinian,"The men are getting nervous, and these are strange seas we're sailing on, the likes up it I've never seen before."
The ship gets even rocker, my chair begins to move so I stand up.
"Then perhaps, Captain, you'd like to be the one to explain to Rhince, that we're abandoning search for his family," Caspian answers sarcastically.
"Which is cowardly," I add.
"I'll get back to it." Drinian throws on a cloak,"Just a word of warning the sea can play nasty tricks on a crews mind, very nasty." He leaves.
The three of us linger for a moment than I follow Edmund out to the deck.
The ship was bouncing this way and that we held hands, Drinian is shouting orders, as he keeps control of the wheel. My clothes are wet with rain.
"Come on, I'll help you to the cabin," Edmund says as he grabs my arm.
"Lucy and Ruth better by in there with Gael or..." I mutter.
"She's alright," Edmund assures me.
He swings open the door of our cabin and Lucy, Ruth, and Gael were already asleep. After he leaves, I change my clothes and hop into bed beside them.
3rd person Lucy
Lucy woke up and found that the storm had ended. She grabs for a page that she had torn out of that book. It was her chance to be like Susan beautiful and attractive. Not like Verity who was only smart and never cared about her looks.
"I want to be beautiful, I'm sure Aslan won't care," she tells herself, she begins to say the evil spell.
She looks at the mirror and stands up, she found herself looking like Susan. She placed her hand on the mirror and found it a door, opening it she stepped in the middle of a party.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Pevensie," someone announced.
She nodded and smiled at the applause for the first time in her life people noticed her. She wasn't Susan Pevensie's younger sister anymore she was Susan.
Edmund walked up to her and linked arms with her,"Edmund!" She was surprised at seeing him and all dressed up.
"You're a beautiful sister," he commented.
"As always," she turned around to find her oldest brother.
"Why, are you leaving me out I can't stand being alone at these social gatherings ," says her other sister as she looped arms with Peter."Oh, Susan, you look stunning today I have to admit."
Lucy beamed with pride, even Verity who barely cared about how a person looked said so.
"Where are you all going?" Ruth joins them now,"Susan, you look wonderful," she links arms with Edmund.
"Excuse me can I get a picture," a man asks.
"Mother's going to love this all her children in one picture," Peter grins.
"Smile," the man tells them.
"Hang on, where am I? I mean where's Lucy?" She asks confused. It wasn't just the four of them, Lucy had to be here too.
"Lucy, who's Lucy," Edmund replies confused.
"What are you talking about," Ruth laughs.
"Susan, what's wrong?" This from Peter, as she tries to get free.
"Edmund, Verity, Ruth, shouldn't we go back," She sighs.
"To where?" Verity  and Ruth ask.
"To Narnia."
"What on earth is Narnia?" Edmund asks.
"Susan, don't tell me it's just another place in your imagination," scoffs Verity.
"What's going on stop this!" Cries Lucy.
She found herself back at the mirror, Aslan walked up to her. The disappointment written on his face was more than she could bear.
"Lucy," he says sternly.
"Aslan," she turns around but finds no one there.
"What have you done, child," the lion got right to the point.
"That was awful," she murmured.
"But you chose it, Lucy," the lion answers, she couldn't bear to look into his eyes.
"I didn't mean to choose, all that, I just wanted to be beautiful like Susan," Lucy answers, as she wipes her tears away.
"You wished yourself away and with that much more, your brothers and sisters wouldn't know Narnia without you, Lucy, you discovered it first, remember." The lion tells her.
The girl bends her head with shame and remorse,"I'm so sorry for using that book and everything."
Aslan nods his head in forgiveness,"You doubt your value, don't run away from who you are."
Then he walks away just as silently as he came.
Lucy realizes it all was only a dream,"Aslan!" She cries, as she sits up.
She takes the forbidden page and threw it into the fire, watching the flames engulf it.
Verity's pov
Lucy wasn't the only one who had a bad night, for me to met my enemy. Doubt.
What caused it was what Eustace had said to me earlier. What if I wasn't a Christian and God hadn't forgiven me. I wasn't taking big steps like Peter did and he was newer to the faith. This bothered me.
I was dreaming of a river, it was dark and angry waves crashed over me. I tried to swim to the shore where my Saviour stood.
"You'll never make it!" Someone tells me, an evil villainous laugh."The sea serpents will get you. You keep messing up. Look at your brother he's ahead already."
I look up and there was Peter he had just started and sure enough he was ahead.
"Help!" I cry.
"Who's going to help you?" The voice asks,"It's hopeless, help only comes to those who obey him."
"Help," I scream as the water sucks me under.
"Peter!" I wake up it was only a dream. But I knew it meant something. I wasn't good enough.
I see Lucy close the door behind her, I follow her, what's she up to? Ruth follows me as.
She goes down to the sleeping quarters, where Edmund sleeps. I see my brother unsheathe his sword, but he put it down when it was only Lucy, sitting down beside him.
"I can't sleep," she tells him frightened.
"Neither can I," I tell him.
"Nor I," adds Ruth.
"Let me guess bad dreams. So either we are all going mad or something's playing with our minds." Edmund answers, as lies back in his hammock.
"It's more than that, you can't sleep either," I say, sitting down beside Lucy.
"How'd you know," he scoffs.
"The sword, seriously, Edmund, who would think their sister was suddenly was an enemy," I say.
"It's about the witch," Edmund sighs,"She was tempting me again."
"So it's about your past," I conclude.
"Yes," he sighs,"It still haunts me you know. What about you, Lu?"
"I just wanted to be beautiful like Susan so I tore a page from that book, that could make me be like her," she explains.
"Oh, Lucy, you didn't,"  I groan.
"I did and then I had a dream where I used the spell, that awful spell!" She wipes away a few tears,"Before I knew it I was Susan and I was at a party and all of you were there except me. And apparently I didn't exist. I said stop and then Aslan came and he told me,'You doubt your value, don't run from who you are.'"
"Lucy, how could you think that way," Edmund tells her,"Why if it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't be here in Narnia." He pats her shoulder.
"What about you, Verity?" Ruth asks me.
"Well, there was a river and I was drowning, Jesus was standing on the other side and he was saying something to me, but I couldn't hear him. Someone else was telling me that I'd never make it, I'd probably drown and then Peter swam ahead of me and when I yelled for help, the person told me not to try, I had messed up so many times no one could help me, than I was sucked under." I explain my voice shaking,"And he's right, I'm a failure. In everything. I seem to always ruin everything. "
"Failure, Verity that's not true," Edmund, Ruth,and Lucy both say, giving me a hug.
"Now here's my confession, I also tore a page from that book, only it would make me smarter than anyone else in the world." Ruth explains,
"And like Lucy I had a similar dream, except I was Verity. It was awful and Aslan talked to me, too. I feel like I'm squashed in between all of you and I'm not important." She hangs her head in shame.
"Of course you're important, Ruth, without you how could we have won all those battles," Edmund replies, patting her arm.
"You know what I think I know how the darkness is trying to get us by deceiving us, telling us we're not qualified. That's what we need to defeat, of course we're not qualified, but Aslan can help us," I explain,"This might be harder than we think."

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