The Mysterious Girl

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WHO I THEIR RIGHT MIND, JUST SWALLOWS A RANDOM FRUIT THEY SEE. I can't blame him though, any normal person wouldn't carry poisonous plants with them.... I take it back, I still blame him.

The rest of the crew kept panicking. Nami kept smacking the wind out of Luffy as Usopp began to cry. Sanji and Zoro simultaneously, were yelling at Luffy for being a dumbass. I signed to Nightshade to climb on my arm as I walked to Sanji, "Holdthisforme!" (hold this for me) I said quickly, maybe too quickly for anyone to understand. Nightshade hopped on his arm before he could say anything and I jumped on to my ship.

Correction.... I attempted to jump on my ship but landed in the ocean instead. I know I'm clumsy, but this isn't really the time for me to be clumsy. I quickly popped back out and got out and on my ship. I booked it downstairs, tripping along the way. I looked around for my strongest sedative and the antidote, Belladonna and rotted Cherry Tomatoes. Then I heard a loud cry of pain. Shit, it's started.

I basically flew back to Luffy. He was crawling in pain when I set my eyes on him. He was howling cause of the pain. "Here Luffy eat all of this." I handed him the rotting Cherry Tomatoes. He quickly inhaled it, as I took out the needle with Belladonna. Belladonna can be used as a sedative, but it can just as easily be used to kill. One leaf is enough to kill a grown man.

"Can someone hold him for this part." I look around, staring at Sanji and Zoro, since they seem the most capable. Zoro stepped up and grabbed him from behind and complained, "HURRY, THIS IS HARD!" Luffy was wiggling around in pain, and what now seems nausea. I quickly injected him, earning some yells from him. Sorry Luffy, but this is better than dying.

The troubled pirate calmed down after a minute or two. He was just on the ground, motionless. A little like a dead worm. I poked his back to check if he's alive. He burps and pukes on the deck. Grossing everyone out. At least he's alive.

"He'll be fine. He just needs rest now since he's puked." I sighed. The stress seemed to vanish from everyone with these few words.

"My dear sweet princess is so smart and brave~" smiled Sanji. He honestly freaks me out so much. What hell hole did he climb out of?

"Stop calling me princess. I hate that nickname!" I spoke roughly.

"Then why did you give that name to the Marines?" Usopp remarked.

"Except I didn't! Ace did." I groan, staring daggers at Usopp. Usopp hid behind Nami, like how toddlers do with their mothers.

"What do you mean Ace did!" Nami looked intrigued, while Sanji started to look depressed.

"Well I met him when I first became a bounty hunter. And he was the one that started to call me Princess Ivy. When my bounty fist came out, it only said Ivy. But after two days, I was changed to Princess Ivy." I grumbled and roughly said princess every time. Seriously, I'm not even with him, and yet he still finds ways to annoy me!

Luffy gets up at once and cries, "SANJI I'M HUNGRY!!! I NEED MEAT!!" Sanji groans and head to the kitchen.

"Nothing can stop his appetite can it?" I think nostalgically how he resembles his brother so much. I'm also quite shocked that he got better so quickly. But at the same time, he is Luffy.

"The day there is something, I think it'll be the end of the world." Laughs Nami heading to the kitchen as well, Coco following her along. That's weird, Coco hates new people. There sure is something special about this crew.

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