Warship Island

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Usopp was up on the Crow's nest looking out to see if he could spot the island. But there was too much fog to see. "I can't see anything."

"Nah uh. We can see the fog." Luffy corrected Usopp.

Sanji lit a cigarette as he spoke, "Are you sure about where we're going?"

"Nope." Apis answered.

"No?" Usopp questioned.

"Relax,  everything will be fine." Nami told everyone.

"OH NAMI! Your confidence makes your beauty stand out so much more~" And once again Sanji became a worm with heart eyes.

"Hey look! It's a big warship." Luffy pointed to the warship figure in the distance.

"I think big is an understatement. It's bigger than ginormous." Zoro looked shocked.

Apis laughed at their words and said, "It's not a ship. It's an island. Warship Island to be exact. It's my home!" Apis smile shine brighter at the last three words. It must feel great to arrive back home.

. . . . . . .

The moment we arrived we were met with a lovely group of people welcoming us with swords and faul words. It's just the price of being such a famous idol. "GO BACK FROM WHERE YOU CAME FROM PIRATES!" Yelled on villager. "YEA, LEAVE US ALONE." Yelled another.

Apis moved in front of us and yelled out with tears of joy, "I'M HOME YOU GUYS!"

"Wait, Apis. We thought you were gone for good. And what about these pirates?" Asked on villager.

Luffy interrupted their conversation by asking, "Hey you! Do you know any good barbecue restaurants around here?"

I didn't stay around to hear the rest of the conversation since I wanted to check how good Usopp fixed my ship. I left Coco with Nami was I went to go check. So if they needed me, they could just send Coco to come get me.

. . . . . . .

Usopp wasn't lying when he said he wasn't no shipwright. Everything was fixed, but it didn't look pretty. Thankfully all my plants on deck were fine. The bee hive was doing great too. But the moment I went under deck I saw how all the poisons I had in glass containers were broken and spilled all over the place. Well that's going to be a hassle to clean up. My train of thought was broken when I heard Coco call out, 'Time to go! Time to go!" I walked out my ship and followed Coco as we caught up to the rest of the crew.

"Hey Nami mind catching me up?" I asked as we were following some strange old man.

"Oh yea, this is Grampa Boknden. He's going to take us to his house and feeds us as thanks for saving Apis." Nami explained to me quietly.

. . . . . . .

We were in the living room waiting for the four hours for some porkbuns. "So... umm... do you know why Apis was taken?" I asked to find some way to pass by the time.

The old man responded, "Not at all. The only thing interesting here is an old legend I'm afraid." 

"A legend?" Nami asked now intrigued. Maybe she's only intrigued because this legend might talk about money.

"Ah yes. It is said that our people are dependents of people from Lost Island. But it sank a thousand years ago. But this island is also the home to Millennial Dragons. It is said that the bones of these dragons are the elixir of immortality, also known as Dragonite. But they couldn't take Apis for a simple legend." The old man explains to us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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