The Kid Brother

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Shit, he can't die. Ace would be so sad! "Nightshade, go free Luffy." I whisper as I get out a two daggers.

"On it!" She salute before she left. She flew to Luffy quickly. As I ran trying to get as close as I could to the platform.. If I can just get close enough, I can throw a dagger to the clown. But then some pirates started to attack me.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY!" I stared to stab them, not caring if the poison killed them.

And that's when I heard him say, "Zoro, Snaji, Usopp, Nami! Sorry. I'm... Dead" with a smile.

Then lighting struck the clown out of no where. Was it a sign from the Gods? It also broke the platform. His hat flew in the air and Coco grabbed it. She then brought it to me as I continued to run towards Luffy.

"LUFFFYYY!" I yelled out searching for him. Luffy extended his arm grabbing his hat from Coco.

"I guess I'm still alive afterwards!" He smiled, the same smile Ace gave me. So annoying.

He began to ran with and blond hair guy and green hair guy, yelling out, "WE'RE GOING TO MAKE IT TO THE GRAND LINE!!" I followed behind them keeping my distance. But then I heard the green dude say that they were heading to their ship. So I ran to my ship. I can always catch up to them on my ship.

Once I arrived on my ship I put Coco in her cage. "Stay here, I don't want the winds to drag you away." All she did was nod, thank God. As I was leaving the port I saw Luffy and 3 other guys fly across the sea and land on their ship. Do they have a death wish!?

Quickly catches up to them thanks to the wind. I put Coco on my head and told her, "grab on tightly. There is still a lot of wind and rain." Her claws hurt, but it's better some pain now than her being dragged by the wind.

I threw up some rope to the ship's rail. The rope had a claw at the end of it so it would stay on firmly. I was surprised no one noticed. But at the same time they were arguing about going to the Grand Line in this storm. So they didn't even notice me climbing on their ship.

"Good evening lady and gentlemen." I bow down as they all stare at me. Then the green guy pulled out his sword, "Who the fuck are you?"

A long nose dude aimed his sling shot at me with his knees trembling. "YOU'VE MESSED WITH THE WRONG MAN. I AM USOPP. EMPEROR OF THE SEAS. A FEARD WARRIOR!" 

The girl took out her stick, and got into a fighting position. Meanwhile the blond dude stepped in front of her saying, "Don't worry Nami-san~ I'll protect you~" God he's a big simp.

Luffy was just confused, but kept smiling. "Hey! You gave me back my hat! Thank you! But how did you get on my ship?"

I took off my clock forgetting I had it on. No wonder I look so threatening to them. "Apologies, I should have introduced myself first." I bow and smile "I'm Ivy, and this is Nightshade. You might have seen my wanted poster around." Nightshade chirped in reply.

"That's right, you're the bounty hunter with a bounty. Princess Ivy, but what is a bounty hunter doing on a pirate ship." The lady questioned as she raised her defense. I don't blame her. From her point of view, I'm here to take their captain's bounty. But I couldn't help but cringe at the name Ace gave me.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to take anyone's bounty. I need some help, and you guys are just the people who can help me." I try to act calm, but I know that if they all fight me at once, I stand no chance. Man, I wouldn't even have a change against the coward of their crew.

"And how do we know you're telling the truth." The green hair man said.

"You don't, you just have to take my word for it." I replied. But then the blond guy came up to me and kissed my hand.

Then he said, "I will believe anything you say, my sweet angel~" He has hearts for eyes.... HE HAS HEARTS FOR EYES. I slapped him, made him fly across the ship. "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU CREEP!"

The green hair man laughed along with Luffy. He taunted him, "Imaging being beaten by ONE SLAP! HAHA!" The blond man got up and walked to the green man and kicked his head. "SHUT UP MOSS HEAD." Soon enough they started to fight each other, throwing insults to each other.

Luffy walked up to me and asked, "I like you! Will you join my crew!"

"Sorry to disappoint, but I won't be joining your crew." Nightshade nodded her head agreeing with me. The sun also started to show as the wind and rain started to die down.

"So what do you want? After all, we're pirates, we can't offer much." The lady said curiously as she dropped her defense.

"Well you see, I plan on going to the Grand Line, and I assume that you do too. But I need some help getting there."

"And what would we get in return?" The lady asked.

"How about 10 thousand berries as payment?" I pulled out a bag full of berries. And the moment she saw, she had money as eyes... MONEY AS EYES. What a weird crew.

"So how can we help you!" She grabbed the money, but the noise that the blond and green guys were making was too much. So she smacked their head and yelled at them, "WILL YOU SHUT UP FOR ONCE." In unison they said, "Sorry Nami." So her name is Nami.

I explained to her what the shipwright told me. "So, my plan is to tie my ship behind yours. As your ship takes on the harsher waves, mines will ride out the smaller ones. But it's still not guaranteed that my ship will make it."

"LETS DO IT!!" Yelled out Luffy. "CAPTAINS ORDERS!"

"YOU HEARD THE CAPTAIN, WE HAVE A GUEST ON THE SHIP!" Nami yelled out at the other 3 crew members.

"YES MA'AM" all three yelled out saluting her.

The blond man came up to me all wiggly with hearts in his eyes, "My name is Sanji my dear Princess! Whatever you need, just ask me! I'll fulfill your every wish!"

I cringe at the nickname, "Please don't ever call me princess again. Just Ivy." I gave him a murderous smile.

"I'm Luffy! I'm the captain! Sanji is the cook! And he makes some really good food! Zoro is our swordsman! Nami is our navigator. And Usopp is our liar! He makes up some really interesting stories!" Luffy introduced me to the crew.

"MY ADVENTURES ARE NO LIES. I JUST LEFT BEING A CAPTION OF THE SEAS TO HELP YOU ROOKIES! After all, you wouldn't be able to survive without my help!" Usopp lied straight through his teeth with a proud smile.

Luffy looked at Nightshade, hungry. "This bird will taste good barbecued."

"Eat her, and I'll kill you." I took out my dagger pointing it at him, and Zoro pointed his sword at me. Nami then smacked Luffy on the head. "The bird is a guest too! And that bird is called Nightshade get it right! And you..." she turned to Zoro and smacked him on the head, "SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO PROTECT HER PET IF YOU GUYS TRY TO KILL IT." Sanji agreed with Nami, calling her brave and beautiful. Then giving Zoro a mean mug.

Then I saw Luffy take something from my boat. From my peripheral vision, I saw it was reddish and small, like a cherry tomato. Then he ate it. Oh no... he ate it. I started to smack his back. "LUFFY SPIT THAT OUT! IT ISN'T A TOMATO, ITS POSION. ONE SEED IS ENOUGH TO KILL A HORSE. SPIT IT OUT!"

He swallowed it. Oh my fucking God... he swallowed it...

To be continued...

Word Count: 1382

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