The Animal Whisperer

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The world kept spinning around me as my head kept pounding. I felt someone helping me sit on a chair and Coco flying in with my pill bottle. It's been a while since my last bad migraine. Guess I stopped getting used to it. Nami hands me one of my pills while Sanji hands me a cold glass of water. Just what I need. The coolness runs down my throat and already helps relieve some of the pain.

"Thanks. The pain and spinning really took it out of me." I whisper so that the noise doesn't hurt my head anymore then what it already hurts.

"Don't worry about it. We would never leave a lady down one ground." Sanji matches my voice level and takes the empty glass.

"Oh! I hope you don't mind, but we'll be taking a detour." Nami says a little too loudly.

As I whine in pain, I reply back, "Not at all. After all, beggars can't be choosers. I asked for a ride, so I'm going off ya'll's time sheet. Not mine." In the corner of the room there is the girl that we found earlier. She seemed like her heart was going to explode. This detour was definitely going to be worth it.

. . . . . . .

I was down in my boat extracting poison from Jimsonweed when I heard someone yell, "BREAKFAST IS READY!" My stomach grumbled at the thought of food. I guess I truly am a fat ass. I quickly left everything behind and when to the kitchen on the Going Merry. But before I even entered, the air didn't smell of a rich aroma. But more like, burning? Once I walked in I was met with charcoal on the plates.

"Real funny. Now where is the real food?" I give out a sarcastic laugh.

"See! Even Ivy agrees that this slop ain't food!" Zoro complained to Sanji.

Nami stomped on Zoro's foot and grabbed a plate. "I don't care what you think! You will eat every crumb of this without complaining." She shoved the food down Zoro's throat and with her aura she sent a shiver down my throat. Reminds me of my mom when I didn't listen to her.

"Ivy has a point though. this doesn't even look edible." Usopp examined the food. Luffy easily ate everything on his plate though. This guy has got to have e a black hole as a stomach.

"You guys will eat everything on your plate. I won't let food go to waste on this ship. You should actually be thanking..." Sanji looked at the girl confused. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I ever got your name."

"It's Apis!" She gave a bright smile. "I don't think that what I cooked was that bad though." Apis took a big spoonful of the food but quickly spit it out as her face turned red. "SPICY!!!" She yelled out before chugging some water.

Sanji looked at her worried before turning to Nami and me. "Don't worry, I'll make you guys something later."

Apis teared up, was it from the spice or sadness? Who know? "I-I'm sorry. I wanted to make something for you guys since you've been nothing but kind to me. You guys are taking me home after the marines kidnapped me even though you don't know me. And you don't even need to do that." Tears ran down her face and her nose became runny. What a sweet girl.

"Don't you sorry about that. After all, we're running on our own time line. No one else's. And if you want to help you could help us out with other chores. Just leave the cooking to Sanji. After all that is his job." Nami giggled as she gave Apis a hug. A smile returned back on Apis' beautiful face.

. . . . . . .

A couple hours passed by with just peace. But I am on pirate ship, so peace never lasts. "MARINES 3 O'CLOCK." Yells our Usopp from the crow's nest. Apis turns pale once she sees what branch it is. Branch eight. "No. No. No No No No NO!. THATS THE MARINE BRANCH THAT TOOK ME. BRANCH EIGHT."

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