Chapter 2

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Blends of hues hopped around the venue with music to entertain the VIP section. I never settle for less. The mirror never lies as well as the camera. My reflection, my face, and my life is all that matters. I was at the waist-level with followers. Over two-hundred thousand loyal subscribers to be exact. More than half of them are male. Their perverse intentions are my money-maker and their way of thinking is what I prey on to get exactly what I need. When I want it, how I want it, and where I want it. I was my own prodigy; sculpted from the highest quality of atoms. My existence was already polished and perfected even before my first breath. My creation was already written before the mythical Gods knew their fate and eons prior to the most prestigious Egyptian royals.

Throughout my days, I spent it in front of a lens. Different variations, whether it is from the phone, digital camera, or a sophisticated video camera. They would be lucky to have my face on any screen that shines 8k. My attendance was always present at the high-end establishments like Louis Vuitton, Dior, Chanel, and Christian Louboutin just to secrete a few. Though, on another soul's dime, it was a dime a dozen for me, but it was all the same. The help knew me as if I were a family member. I was a regular customer. A frequent consumer of the high life. A household name.

Everyone I came across either wanted me, wanted something I have, or wanted the clout that came with me. My entourage, my accessories, and my peasants made me royalty.

I was a woman of royalty....

I attended a walk-through at a newly established nightclub in exchange for a promotion on all of my platforms. I even gave them two slots for a quick thirty-second advertisement throughout my YouTube videos for gratitude. Not just anyone can get a $1800 bill dissolved. However, I was not just anybody.

The night was young, but it was also arriving to the amount of time I agreed for my appearance. I usually give my manager, Levi, the five-minute warning by raising my hand, with my fingers spread apart. Usually, there would be two or more events on my itinerary, but tonight I was tired. I wanted to vacate the club as soon as possible. The constant reggae air horns were becoming intolerable to me. It became to be more sounds effects than music. Out of patience and becoming more irritable, I reached for my phone that was strategically aimed towards me. It was perched on a mini tripod on the table, with my Instagram live in effect. The screen read 28.4k viewers currently watching me being the cream of society. They were definitely living my life through the camera lens. I seductively looked into the screen and blew a kiss to my fans as I sinuated that I was about to end the feed. My two fingers erected to make the peace sign as I signed off finally. Starting to get hot, I quickly grabbed my tripod, folded it, and slid it into my purse.

Walking out of the VIP section, I made sure to ask Levi if the car was ready so there was no holdup. I hate to wait.

"The driver texted me saying that he had to switch with another one because he had an emergency," he said while shouting.

The music remained blaring and the guests continued to move about the venue as if they were zombies, stimulated by the melodies. In the midst of it, I was being escorted towards the back entrance, where the big-name celebrities spawn from. People took pictures as I walked towards the exit. Lights flashed and flickered like strobe lights at a funhouse. The blinking light was almost overwhelming. Our previous vehicle was a large black expedition with all the bells and whistles equipped on the interior. Since the alteration of the chauffeurs occurred, it seemed to be more of an upgrade. What seemed to be my replacement was a beautiful stretched Cadillac Escalade. Its majestic and mysterious look made the end of my night exceptional. Bold lines and exclusive accents emphasized the vehicle's luxurious character. One glance at it and the world would already know that whoever is in there must have status.

The chauffeur came from the driver's seat and moved hastily to where I was approaching to greet me with a smile.

"Sorry for the flip-flop, but there was a change of plans with your last driver, but I am more than happy to pick up where he left off," he said as he grinned, "Let me get the door for you guys."

He then proceeded to pull the door handle to release the door from its secured state.

As Levi and I began to set foot into the luxury vehicle, the driver continued with, "By the way, my name is Bennet, but call me Ben. Bennet sounds like I am in trouble with my mother. Let her rest in peace."

"Okay Ben, I'm Levi," my manager answered, "Do you know the address to the next place we have to be at? We have forty-five minutes to get there."

Ben smiled and replied with, "Yes, of course!"

"Thank God!" Levi exhaled.

Ben rushed back to the driver seat of the truck as if he was getting back into a race after being at a pit stop for an extended amount of time. The windows were darker than the midnight skies from the outside. No one would be able to know if the vehicle was even inhabited until it displayed movement.

The interior's extravagance is one of the first things that strikes you when entering the Escalade. There was plush leather seating that was arranged in a comfortable and spacious U-shaped configuration. With everything strategically set, there was ample legroom and headroom, ensuring travelers can relax in style. High-quality materials like supple leather, handcrafted wood accents, and premium carpeting created an ambiance of refinement. What I could smell was beyond the traditional new car smell. Vanilla and sandalwood resided in the air. The interior color schemes ranged from classic black and white. It was complimented by LED lights that could be manipulated at the press of a button. Smooth lighting covered the walls like paint. State-of-the-art audio and video systems motioned to the luminous hues within the SUV's cabin. There was a soundproof crystal glass partition between the driver and the rear of our transport vehicle for privacy and exclusivity. This was ideal for high-profile individuals, celebrities, and the business-oriented community who value privacy.

The drive was unnoticeable as the bumps and turns were inconspicuous. The cup of complimentary tequila and mango puree I placed on the mini bar barely shifted as we stopped and continued on through traffic. I was busy refreshing my makeup to notice Levi reading from the notes on his iPhone to me.

"This is the venue that asked if it was okay to take pictures before you head to the bottle section," he went on.

With the mascara in my right hand and a mirror in my left, I answered, "Uh huh."

"Remember to start the live stream before you get inside so everyone knows where we are and don't assume we are at the same place. You know how shit gets twisted quickly," Levi added, "Are you even listening?"

"Uh huh," I repeated, "Can you hold this and hold it up more?"

Levi, with the look of frustration, took the mirror out my hand and held it to my eyelevel so I can use my left hand to keep my right eyelids stable. I sat leaning towards the mirror, trying not to poke my eye from the vehicle braking. I was dressed in jewels and diamonds; wrapped in a beautiful black dress. Hair was done to perfection. It flowed as sweetly as a painter's brush strokes the canvass. My skin was the hue of an English oak tree soaking up the moisture from the summer rains. It was beautiful from the first glimmer of dawn to the nocturne of every starlit night.

Almost poking my eye, the truck made a sudden and abrupt stop. Ben glanced at his phone, muted the music, and then apologized to us for the turbulent halt.

"Ben, what the fuck happened?" I asked while trying to look ahead through the windshield for any clues.

"I am sorry guys," he returned.

The sound of the doors unlocking could be heard throughout the car like the unfastening of latches on a pelican case. Three shadowy silhouettes quickly approached the vehicle like a band of fans about to meet their favorite celebrity. Apparently, that was not the case as the door was stripped from its resting spot, leaving the opening bare. Levi was doused with despair, as he did not know what was transpiring. Three men were dressed in black clothing with ski masks to withhold their identities. One of them firmly grasped onto Levi and plucked him out the car as if he was not there to begin with. The remaining two, rushed into the vehicle. One came through where my manager was previously and the other entered my side. I was so terrified that I could not even conjure a single peep. It was as if my lungs turned into useless grocery bags. A black cloth collided with my face with force. The dampness of it heavily concerned me because I did not know what to expect. The smell had a subtle sweetness to it and possessed the taste of the bitter watermelon. I was starting to become disoriented and sluggish. Voices and yelling spiraled around my head as my consciousness became less active.

A black meshed bag was placed over my head to obscure my already diminishing vision.

"Ronny let's go! Drive man! Drive!" one of the masked men bellowed out.

Another masked kidnapper added with,

"Aye, look.
You got the wheel, my nigga.
Just don't panic, man!
Drive this bitch and don't crash!
None of that dumb shit. Hit some corners just in case someone is following us."

Ronny, whom I thought was Bennet, turned to look at me. His face resembled a dog's expression of shame and remorse when wrongdoing has been executed.

Before turning back towards the road he mouthed to me, "I'm sorry."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 29 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Obsidian जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें