Chapter 1: The Fox and the Rabbit (rewritten)

Start from the beginning

     Much to people's horror, in a world they dwelled in, cases such as those remained unsolved and discarded. 

     Yeon Seo left the PR department and headed straight to her office where once one opened its doors the pink aura engulfed their sight. One night of overworking his secretary and overstepping her boundaries was all it took for Lee Yeon to buy her every demand. After emphasizing his need to repay his every debt, Yeon Seo took it upon herself and decided to punish the overbearing perfectionist architect with Hello Kitty's rendition of an office. The conglomerate's face changed colors once he saw the flower pillow on her pink leather chair and the pink heart sticky notes stuck on his own desk as a reminder. 

   Lee Yeon was after all a man who was one of a kind. Someone her face-reader grandma would deem as a general in his previous life with those sharp ethereal facial features.   

   "Good morning, Yeon Seo." - He surprised her by being the one to open the door separating their offices. The blinds already already open must've gotten him a glimpse of her figure.

    The gruff tone of his voice was replaced by a much gentler one while pronouncing her name. She was sure that years would go by and no one would say her name in such a way, overshadowing anyone as if they had no right to say her name in a way only he was able to.

    After seeing her face, his furrowed eyebrows and tense jawline relaxed. His hand gripped his tie, loosening it as per habit after a long prosecution over the phone which crawled on his nerves or so it seemed. He changed masks so easily. Only a second ago he was raising hell and now those warm brown eyes looked so inviting and trusting. 

   Long after she had begun working Yeon Seo decided that if he ever dreamed of being a performer, he would've been a brilliant one. Effortlessly his aura encompassed each room he entered. There was no need to announce his presence, that aura of his spoke volumes, always carrying himself with a sense of authority and certainty even at times recklessness. Combining that with his talent for management and his calculative nature- it was a victorious combination. A clever man indeed.

    "Good morning, sir."- She bowed respectfully at her boss.

     "You finally showed up, Oh Yeon Seo-ssi."- Often he made her feel vulnerable, towering over her one hand reaching the door frame from above as if he ensured he had her cornered. Those intense eyes made her feel agitated yer excited. If he intended, her boss had the power to step and crush her like a small ant. His cunning side painted his nature in shades of grey. 

   Yeon Seo made sure her face remained unfazed and only handed him the document.   

   "Kang Han Neul-ssi left for an emergency business trip to Japan. His secretary called and requested that I bring the signed document to you."- That piece of paper was the alibi for her tardiness. Those five years of working under him were a testimony of how she needed to clone herself when necessary.

  "And when is my meeting with the congressman?"

  "At 3 o'clock, sir."

  "How about-"

  "Dinner in Snail Bride at 5."- She took the liberty to cut him off and those brown eyes of his showed how he detested that robotic expression on her face. 

   Oddly enough he decided to test her memory of his schedule. As if wanting to deepen their conversation. Working alongside him, and at that moment, she could sense it. Those calculations in that brilliant mind. 

    "Exceptional as always, Oh Yeon Seo-ssi."- There it went- his compliments followed by..."Tomorrow night you will be accompanying me to an important gala event."- Hearing the words 'tomorrow night' it felt like a cold bucket full of ice was dropped on her head.

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