"Been a while", Tyler said as he looked over at Josh, who blushed. He hoped Tyler hadn't noticed him staring hardcore at him the entire time he was lighting it, and somehow this made Tyler look even sexier to Josh.

Tyler took another drag, and a third one, before he let Josh try. "Careful... just a small drag", Tyler explained to him how to do it, and Josh tried. The first one didn't go great; it burned and he was coughing, so Tyler handed him the drink. The second time, went better. Josh was careful, which was good, and he didn't immediately have to cough and get it out. It went better.

Tyler took two drags, before it went back to Josh, who took another one. "Oh- jeez", Josh muttered. "Is- is it possible to already notice it or- or am I being an idiot?" He asked. "Oh no you're not, it's definitely possible when you're doing this for the first time", Tyler said. "That's why I have you be careful. You can have one more after this, then we'll wait for a while to see if it has kicked in enough by then, okay?" He asked. Josh nodded.

Again, Tyler took two drags, then Josh took another one. Tyler took another one, then he put it aside for now.

"Gosh, I- I feel like I can't stop smiling", Josh said. "I look like an idiot." "No you don't", Tyler smiled. "That's weed for you, baby. I'm always grinning too when I'm high", he chuckled. "Don't worry, you're good. We can look like idiots together."

"This is... weird", Josh said. "It- it kicked in so damn fast, what he heck", he giggled. "I don't think I ever felt like this." "Oh I'm sure you didn't", Tyler chuckled. "You already look adorable, but this makes you even cuter." "Oh hush", Josh blushed with a smile. "Fuck, I feel so stupid for smiling like this", he said as he covered his face with his hands. "Don't, please don't baby", Tyler said. "Your smile's gorgeous, please show it off to me", he said as he gently grabbed Josh's hands and he lowered them. "You're perfect the way you are, you don't need to hide that."

Josh was a blushing mess, but Tyler adored it. He gave Josh some time to get used to it and feel a bit more comfortable with being under influence like this around Tyler. He let Josh have one more drag, then had two himself, before he extinguished it for now.

They talked a little bit, they laughed about the dumbest stuff that wasn't even funny, and Josh was so glad that Tyler was the first one he was doing this with. He felt so safe, so comfortable, and he appreciated it so so much. Tyler got up and went inside to change his jeans to sweatpants, but when he came back outside Tyler was getting closer to Josh as he sat back down; his arm found his way around Josh's neck, his other hand found its way on to Josh's thigh, and Josh was very much enjoying it - actually, extremely.

His head rested on Tyler's arm as he grinned up at the man, who was smiling as he looked down into Josh's eyes, their faces much closer to each other than what would be considered comfortable if they weren't high. Josh felt this urge for physical touch, to hug and cuddle and be held and be touched and dang, this weed was doing things to him he wasn't prepared for, but he wasn't mad at. Whenever Tyler would laugh, or he'd grin at him, when he'd lick his lips or bite them, when he moved his fingers against Josh's scalp through his hair or he gently squeezed his thigh... Tyler was doing things to Josh. Lots of things. He was pretty much driving him crazy, or in other words... Josh was getting real fucking turned on again.

"Can I ask you something?" Tyler said after a while, licking his lips again to moisturize them a little bit, but it made Josh die inside. "Mhm?" Josh hummed, staring at the way Tyler's tongue ran over his own lips, and Tyler noticed, but he let it happen. He knew Josh wasn't even realizing he was so obviously staring at him. And while other people would probably make Tyler feel kind of uncomfortable in that situation, Josh doing so was definitely boosting Tyler's ego.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now