Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 16 - Custody of (Y/N)

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It was later on in the evening and I decided to stalk the woods for a while to see if any outsiders might've wandered in.

I brought along a board game that was tucked under my arm cause no, I wasn't planning to kill them like Slender expected. Nah, I was gonna trap them and force them to play a game of Scrabble with me because that's what any sane Creepypasta killer would do, right?

Anyway, I happily marched through the woods with my game of Scrabble held close and my ears and eyes alert for any sounds of intruders.

After a few minutes of searching, I hadn't had any luck so far. I was contemplating going and breaking into a random strangers house and setting up a game there when I finally caught the sound of footsteps.

I was so excited at that moment that I wasn't sure wether I should straight up go over to them and greet them or beat them with the box.

I quickly decided on a mix of both and started over to where I heard the footsteps.

Just before I could even step through he bushes to reach them, a figure launches at me first and knocks me to the ground, causing me to drop the board game. I look up in alarm to see a masked figure now standing over me, and the quickly grabbed my legs and started dragging me across the ground.

"NO, NOT MY SCRABBLE. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was taken away.

I continued to complain about my board game all the while the masked stranger dragged across the woodland floor. I think they eventually got tired of pulling me by the legs because we eventually came to a stop and they just stood at the side, trying to catch their breath beneath the mask.

I honestly didn't care who they were or what they wanted with me because I already knew I could evaporate their ass at any given moment. I was more worried about my fucking board game, the damn thing costed me almost $25 bucks and I didn't even get to open it yet!

I sat up on the ground and crossed my arms, turning my back to the stranger, "I'm not talking to you."

"...What?" The stranger sounded outright confused at my sudden remark. "You kidnapped me, but you couldn't even bother to take my Scrabble? Burn in hell."

There was a long moment of silence before the stranger spoke, "There's no way you're pissed more about a board game than the fact that you're being kidnapped."

Hearing them speak, I realized that their voice sounded someone I live with at the mansion type of familiar. It might've been someone I never spoke with as much because I couldn't pin them to a name yet, and they seemed to be disguised.

I slowly turn around and huffed, "why should I be worried about that? I could kill you whenever I feel like it. The only 'threat' you bring to the table is separating me from my Scrabble, so you're not worth the trouble."

"Fucking stop talking about Scrabble..."

"Go back and get me my game or buy me a new one, bitch."

The stranger groaned in annoyance before grabbing my legs again and beginning to drag me along. I went back to screaming "MY SCRABBLE" into the air like a dying hawk, hoping to embarrass them to some extent so they'd let me go or something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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