The Bialya Mission

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Y/N woke up with a confused expression, sitting up and glancing around to see hills of sand in every direction. A sigh escaped the young hero as he wiped sweat from his forehead. Being in the sand immediately started to annoy Y/N. "Stupid stuff gets everywhere," he muttered, lifting his straw hat off his head to let the sand flow out of it. After spending two minutes getting all the sand out of his clothes, Y/N rolled his neck and began to stretch out his limbs, wondering how long he had been out for.

The mission had started off simple enough: a recon mission to investigate a strange energy signal that popped up in Bialya a few days ago. It was a large energy source that the Watchtower detected but couldn't identify. Batman assigned them the mission to locate the energy source and gather as much information on it as possible. Putting the bio-ship in camouflage mode, it was too easy to sneak into the isolated country. Absolute radio silence was ordered, so upon landing in the county, Miss Martian set up a mental link, allowing everyone to communicate with each other via telepathy. It was that telepathy that was used against the team. Miss Martian was sent ahead to infiltrate the enemy's camp. Next thing Y/N knew, a foreign mental presence hacked the mental connection. The moment he sensed the foreign presence, he tried to resist to no avail. Unfortunately, resisting it backfired on him, causing his body to go into shock and shut down.

Y/N checked all his gear, adjusting his straw hat. This was the first time he would be wearing a mask on a mission. He pulled out a mask given to him by Black Canary, remembering the quick conversation he had with her about protecting his identity better. Despite arguing that if Superboy didn't have to wear a mask, why should he, Canary decided to give Y/N a plain black mask he could choose to wear when he saw fit. The quick thought left his head as sand blew in his direction, almost getting into his eyes. Y/N quickly put the mask onto his face to avoid any more chances of that happening. 'Complete the mission or find the team first?' wondered Y/N.

Chances were that the entire team was in danger. Y/N didn't know what the foreign presence wanted, but chances were it wasn't anything good. He was sure the team was alive; that being said, if the team was captured, then it was going to be up to him to complete the mission. Everyone on the team knew the risks. These missions were not just hero kid games; death was always a possibility. A smirk hid behind the mask as Y/N thought about what a great hero would do in this situation. 'I will complete the mission, make sure the team is alright. Then I'll make my way to the camp,' decided Y/N, preparing himself for the run ahead, bouncing across the sand without caring to be seen.


Kid slid to a stop. "I can't go any further." Artemis climbed out of his arms. "Thanks," she said. It looked like he was telling the truth about being Kid Flash despite the change in uniform. Only Kid Flash could move at such speeds. She had to admit that the black uniform looked much better than the bright yellow and red one that he always wore.

"No problem," smirked Kid, lifting up his arm and popping open his secret stash. His eyes widened upon seeing it was empty. "It must have been over twenty-four hours, or my stash wouldn't be empty." His stash might be empty, but at least he was with a hot girl. The blonde girl might have a fixation on Green Arrow, but she was hot.

An object came down from above, breaking the two apart. A roar came from the object, revealing itself to be a young man screaming in anger. "Who is..." Kid was grabbed by the arm and spun around a few times before being tossed into the side of the hill. Feral Superboy spun around, charging at Artemis. Artemis shot three explosive arrows in a row that did nothing to slow down Superboy. She dove out of the way to avoid being grabbed.

"Who the heck is he?!" shouted Artemis.

Superboy was about to continue the assault when a tank shell struck him. Roaring in pain, he turned to face the two incoming tanks. He leaped at the new threats. Artemis and Kid watched as their unknown attacker started to rip apart the tanks. "Whose side is he on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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