Straw Hat's First Fight

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Mount Justice

Y/N sits at the computer, unfathomably bored. It has been a week since he was invited to join the team. In that time, there have been no missions or training. The lack of missions he understands since the team is new and has no experience in the field, but the absence of training is strange. He understands that the Justice League is busy fighting criminals all over the world. However, this team will never work without proper training. He knows this from experience.

  It was a short time after waking up for the first time that a couple of powerful individuals tried to capture him, and one seemed near invincible. Looking back on it, if not for pure luck and his escape, he would have died against a couple of people he didn't even know. That was when he learned that to become strong, he had to train and not just rely on bare instincts. He may have never been on a team, but he figures that it works in the same manner. One needs to train together to work as a team. But maybe he is wrong. The Justice League is a team organization, so they know better than him.


For the past few days, he has been spending his time learning some combat scenario basics though digital, from Red Tornado. Red Tornado is an emotionless android that doesn't play around or joke, a vast difference from Y/N who constantly wants to make funny remarks but lets the chances pass by him. It was an interesting experience learning from an emotionless android. Tornado never strays from the topic at hand. All the teaching is focused on learning different combat scenarios with no distractions.


Y/N is not sure how he feels about Tornado as a teacher. On the one hand, he is learning a great deal and can understand a small amount of the information. On the other hand, he can't get a single read on the android. Of course, Tornado was not the main reason that Y/N felt frustrated, but not being able to read or get a grasp of the emotions of someone teaching him seemed to bother him a tad. Y/N also wondered why he knew so many combat scenarios. Granted, with his rubber powers, it makes him different from your quite regular fighter, but he knew things; information would flow to his head as he was faced with new situations.


Y/N recalls the first time he had awoken. Y/N could be seen running in a forest with no recollection of where he was. His jaw dropped as four individuals clad in black could be seen chasing our hero. Y/N aggressively turns around, stating, "Leave me alone or else..." propping into a fighting stance. In quick thought, Y/N tries to grasp the full situation. One second, his head was pounding with no information other than who he was; the next, he was getting chased like a five-course meal, and he couldn't understand why.


Once he developed enough patience, Y/N decided enough was enough. At rapid speeds, his arm extended forward in front of him, reaching great lengths. Thinking nothing about it, as using this power felt as natural to him as walking, he attempted to punch one of his pursuers. A female-looking figure could be seen frantically dodging the hit, as she and a much larger figure noticed something happening to the ground. Quickly, the two who noticed would be seen jumping in other directions, leaving the two remaining figures. The next thing those figures knew, they were collapsing, falling along as the ground below them had shattered with the force of the punch.


Y/N would notice the female-looking figure head over to the hulking brute. With their outfits, he couldn't get a look at any of their facial features, everything being hidden behind black cloaks. Seconds passed, but it felt as though minutes had passed before the female figure was seen backing away and sitting in a patch of dirt. The hulking brute began charging straight towards Y/N. Quickly, Y/N launched both arms of his 10 meters in front of him, unleashing a Gatling barrage at great speeds colliding with the brute.

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