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Upon arriving at the Special Victim Unit building after a twenty-minute drive, Antonio parked in an empty space and proceeded inside. As he searched for Voight or Benson, his hands clenched at his sides as he passed Fin, who glanced up from his computer.

Noticing the urgency in Antonio's eyes, Fin inquired, 'Where is the fire?' Antonio, focused on his search, disregarded Fin's question and inquired, 'Where's Voight? Or Benson?' Fin promptly responded, 'They're in Benson's office,' pointing Antonio in the right direction.

With a nod of thanks, Antonio headed towards the office. However, Fin, now curious, questioned, 'Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital with Detective Lindsay?' Realizing something was amiss, Fin rose from his seat.

While the authorities had apprehended Yates's companion an hour earlier, they were still unable to extract information on Yates's whereabouts from the suspect, despite the progress made in the investigation.

Antonio stated, "I was indeed asked to leave the hospital." As he made his way to Benson's office, passing Jay and Al engaged in conversation, they turned their focus to Antonio. Jay, expressing shock, questioned, "They are not allowed to do that, are they?"

Antonio simply shrugged in response, adding, "I did not intend to leave, but I was instructed to do so. My plan is to discuss the matter with Voight and have him address it, especially considering my lack of trust in a male nurse's attitude towards Erin."

Al then reassured Antonio by patting him on the shoulder and proposing, "I will fetch Voight and Benson. In the meantime, why don't you grab some coffee and food to compose yourself before heading back to the hospital."

The older detective's words prompted Antonio to nod in agreement, after which he accompanied Jay and Fin to the break room.

Fin noted, "I am uncertain about the exact issue at the hospital, but we will handle it accordingly." Jay, expressing surprise, remarked, "Indeed, I find it unexpected that you left the hospital."

Antonio acknowledged with a grim expression while grasping the coffee pot, 'I didn't want to, but I knew that by staying there, it would only lead to more problems for Erin, and she does not need that,' he stated.

Antonio forcefully struck the counter as Jay removed the coffee pot to prevent the possibility of the second-in-command throwing it. 'Easy Tony,' Jay said, placing the coffee pot back after serving himself.

'We cannot have you throwing objects across the room,' Antonio would have rolled his eyes at Jay's remark if he wasn't so distraught at the moment.

'I don't need your jokes right now, Jay.' Jay was on the verge of responding to Antonio when Voight and Benson approached them, with Al following closely behind, Voight seemed poised to explode with anger at the news he had received.

'Why were you kicked out?' Voight inquired, his tone severe, though not aimed at Antonio but at the hospital.

Antonio recounted the situation at the hospital, stating that despite visiting hours being over, he refused to leave until another nurse was made available, which unfortunately was not possible. Voight suggested confronting the doctor about the issue, especially since a previous doctor had permitted Antonio to stay longer. Antonio expressed frustration at not being able to communicate with the elderly doctor.

Additionally, Antonio raised concerns about Mitchell, suspecting that he might not be a legitimate hospital employee. Voight, expressing agreement, suggested going to speak with Dr. Jackson, a plan that Benson supported by placing her hand on Voight's shoulder.

Antonio, Voight, and Benson exited the building. 'Jay, Al, please call the medical team and inform them that we will be transporting Erin back home soon for proper care,' Voight instructed. Jay acknowledged, 'I will inform Will.' Al added, 'The team, especially Nadia, would like to visit Erin."

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