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Upon reaching New York, the intelligence team engaged in discussions with Jamie at the Special Victims Unit building regarding the events at the dinner and whether she possessed additional information.

Even though Jamie affirmed that Erin had only mentioned seeking help at the SVU building, she expressed her regret for not being able to provide more assistance. She described the perpetrator as exceptionally dangerous, akin to a psychopath, and attested to his menacing behavior towards her, which led Erin to accompany him.

Antonio, in a display of empathy, reassured Jamie that the situation was not her fault and emphasized Detective Lindsay's courageous nature in risking her life to save others.

Jamie further disclosed her surprise at Yates's destructive actions at the dinner, where he intended to eliminate potential leads by creating a fire hazard that would prevent divulging any information.

Antonio acknowledged, 'That is how Yates operates, but at least you had a backup plan to outsmart him and make him believe you were still at the dinner,' he said as Jamie nodded.

While the men were conversing with Jamie, Benson entered the room with Al and Fin, carrying a laptop and all three wearing serious expressions. 'Do you have any updates?' Antonio inquired, sensing something amiss from Benson and Al's expressions, as Fin signaled to Jamie that she could leave.

'Thank you for your assistance, go find Detective Halstead and see if he can provide any help, we'll join you shortly,' Antonio instructed. Jamie nodded, getting up. 'You'll locate Erin, right?' the blond asked before departing. 'Certainly, we will,' Antonio assured as he observed Jamie exiting, leaving the detectives alone.

Voight inquired about Jamie's inability to listen in as he observed Fin placing the laptop on the table. Fin responded by stating that Jamie should not watch the content, as she proceeded to show a video to Antonio and Voight.

Antonio took hold of the chair where Al had seated himself, and initiated the video once all individuals were prepared to view it. Despite his best efforts, a growl escaped him as he shifted his gaze towards Voight, who appeared exceptionally enraged.

As Erin appeared on screen, suspended from the ceiling and clad only in a bra, Antonio was overcome with disgust at the sight of the battered brunette. It was evident even to the untrained eye that her side, harboring a stab wound, was inflamed and infected.

'Sergeant Voight, perhaps it would be wise to instill a sense of respect in your female detective,' declared Yates' voice from the recording, prompting Antonio to exhale heavily as he witnessed Yates planting a kiss on Erin's lips.

A hint of satisfaction crept over Antonio as Erin retaliated by biting Yates' lip, causing it to bleed, and in return receiving a punch to the stomach.

"Do you see, Sergeant Voght? Your detective is quite insubordinate,'  Yates taunted looking at the camera.

Antonio observed as Yates relentlessly whipped Erin on her back and front, causing him to flinch at every yelp and cry that escaped the brunette's mouth.

Despite the brutality, Antonio forced himself to continue watching the video. His breath caught as Yates exchanged the whip for a Taser, prompting him to shut his eyes at each pained sound Erin made.

As the video concluded, Antonio glanced up to encounter the defeated expression in Erin's hazel eyes. Witnessing that defeated look was difficult for him, and he winced at Yates' parting words before the screen went black.

'Hurry up, Sergeant Voight, Detective Dawson, and rescue your colleague before it's too late.' Yates remarked with a smug expression, 'I believe your female detective is beginning to doubt your capability to save her.' With a solemn expression, Al closed the laptop.

Antonio raised his voice, exclaiming, 'We must hurry before Yates decides to take further action,' as he gazed at Voight.

'No more delays or breaks; Erin needs our help,' he insisted. Voight, meeting Antonio's intense gaze, nodded solemnly, haunted by the distressing expression on Erin's face captured in the video, a sight he hadn't seen since she was fifteen.

Benson's interruption broke their reverie as she expressed, 'I believe I may have an idea of their whereabouts.' Voight inquired, 'What do you mean?' while locking eyes with the female sergeant.

'The walls in the video appear to be a light gray color, indicating a hotel or similar establishment,' Benson pointed out, zooming in to show them the wall behind Erin.

Voight and Antonio scrutinized the video, affirming, 'Very well, contact every hotel. Antonio and I will visit each one to locate where Yates is holding her; we are getting closer,' Voight declared decisively as he exited the room, with Antonio trailing behind him.

"The expression in Erin's eyes was one I had never witnessed before," Antonio commented as he closed his eyes and shielded them with his hand.

"That fear and sense of defeat in her gaze," he added. "Who knows what else Yates subjected her to." Voight stated firmly, "We will reach Erin and demonstrate our unwavering support for her."

As he drove, Voight expressed, "Once Erin is rescued and we have Yates in custody, he will face consequences for harming one of our own, regardless of your or Jay's opinion." Antonio interrupted, asserting, "I endorse any actions taken against Yates."

Determined, he continued, "I am resolute in assisting in serving justice to that monster so that each injury Yates inflicted upon Erin will be repaid tenfold."

Voight  nodded in agreement, prompting Antonio to urge, "Then, let us hasten our efforts." Finally, Voight consulted his phone upon receiving the address from Benson, revealing the location where Yates was holding Erin, signaling their impending arrival.

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