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Antonio swiftly traversed the sidewalk upon hearing Voight's urgent communication through his earpiece: "Does anyone have visual on Lindsay?" Oblivious to his superior's words, Antonio joined Fin and Amaro in scanning the vicinity for any sign of Yates and Erin.

"What the hell happened?" Antonio inquired, making an effort to maintain composure for Erin's sake. Ruzek approached them as Fin assumed a remorseful expression. "I am unsure. They were engaged in conversation when it appeared that Yates led Lindsay away after noticing Amaro and me," Fin disclosed.

Antonio surveyed their surroundings carefully, noticing approaching footsteps. Without needing to glance up, he deduced the identity of the person nearing them, all the while searching for any clue that could aid in locating Erin.

"Where did they disappear to?" Voight inquired upon reaching the side of the two New York detectives, who exchanged a solemn glance.

"We attempted to tail them, but it seemed that Yates became aware of our pursuit and instructed Lindsay to follow him," Amaro shared, swallowing anxiously under Voight's scrutinizing gaze.

Antonio approached the younger detective with Voight trailing behind him, lowering himself to get a better view. "It is possible that the blood trail belongs to Lindsay," he stated, restraining himself from shouting as he clenched his hand by his side.

"We must track the trail to determine its destination," Voight said, attempting to remain composed despite his anger rising. He allowed Antonio to take the lead. "If Yates harmed her, he will face severe consequences," he declared.

Antonio followed the blood trail, hoping it did not belong to Erin, though he had a suspicion it did. Biting his lip, he questioned, "Where could they have gone? We were keeping a close watch." Ruzek inquired as he followed Antonio.

"Yates is cunning; he may have convinced Lindsay to go with him or even harmed her," Fin speculated as he examined the blonde's condition. Jay added, "considering the blood trail."

Antonio disregarded their presence as he traced the path towards a dimly lit alley. He retrieved his flashlight, turning it on to aid in his search for any potential clues that could lead him to Erin. As he cautiously took a step forward, he unexpectedly felt something beneath his foot.

Carefully retracting his foot, Antonio directed his gaze downwards only to discover Erin's phone and earpiece. "I have made a discovery," he called out to the others who had recently joined him in the alley. Voight swiftly approached Antonio, with the rest of the group following closely behind.

Antonio picked up Erin's phone and proceeded to assess its contents for any useful information. He then stumbled upon a message displayed on the screen, prompting him to take a deep breath as he read its contents.

"Congratulations on your endeavors to establish communication with me. I express my gratitude towards Detective Lindsay, and I assure you that I will treat her accordingly," Antonio relayed the message written by Yates, clenching the phone firmly in his hand.

Antonio glanced upwards and noticed Voight's presence beside him. He observed the older man clenching his jaw while gazing at the blood before stating, "We must apprehend this individual." Voight's attention shifted towards Antonio, who handed him Erin's phone.

"We will provide assistance to the best of our abilities. It is our responsibility that Yates managed to evade our surveillance," Fin declared, garnering agreement from Amaro. "We will not cease our efforts."

Antonio and Voight exchanged glances. "We will require all available assistance. Do not assign blame solely to yourself; we are all accountable," Voight assured, with Antonio nodding in agreement. "We should not have allowed Erin to agree meeting with Yates."

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