A Battle Of Wits and Courage, Part Two

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"Dark! Look! It's that ViraBot we battled!" Chosen shook his friend's arm, catching his attention.


"After Second kicked your ass? I was heading back to our base, and that red one attacked me! You jumped out and saved me! Remember?!"

Dark looked at the red creature, and the flicker in his eyes showed clear recognition.


"What do we do?"


The trio was blasted into a wall.




Purple joined them soon after.

"Shit-Purple! You okay?!"


"Yeah. Hurts like a bitch."

Second glanced up at Navy, who had an expression similar to that of a person receiving information. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Navy turned to them, lowering himself to their level. "Oh, don't worry. You'll join your friends soon enough."

Orchid brushed past them, and Chosen's heart dropped.


Purple visibly froze, eyes widening in fear and realization.

"No...no no no no no!"

"Oh, yes. Now that your friends are dead," Navy spat out the word with an evil smile. "You'll watch us destroy every other thing you've known and loved, and then you'll join them in your new home: the land of the dead!"

The quartet looked at each other, each with a similar thought.

We are so fucked.

"The fuck are these bars made of...?" Chosen muttered, blasting another fireball at them. Dark rammed his arm into them, only getting more pain.


"Don't do it and it won't hurt."

Dark glared at him. "Fuck you."

"Can you both just...not? Please?" Came Second's quiet voice from behind them. Curled up in a ball with his face buried in his knees, neither Chosen or Dark could recognize him.

Chosen knew Second didn't give up easily. So, looking at the broken, visibly hopeless boy in front of him break down did not sit right with him.

Dark had seen Second make something crazy happen in a mere matter of seconds, so seeing Second be at a complete loss for what to do didn't make Dark feel any better about their situation.

They weren't even sure where they had gone wrong. They had been overpowered by Navy at some point, then Orchid showed up, and then suddenly King and the others were dead.

Wherever that had come from, Chosen didn't know, and it was incredibly difficult for him to understand how that had happened so fast.

None of them could, for that matter.

"Dude, where's the Second Coming? We kinda need him." Dark said. He looked to Purple for backup, which he didn't get.

"The hell are we supposed to do?!" Purple snapped. Chosen noticed the tear tracks on the boys cheeks. Poor kid. "Our allies are dead, we ourselves have been captured, and anything the two of you can do will result in our demise!"

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