Fern's Final Chance

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Another energy ball.

"GET DOWN!" Chosen shouted.

Purple countered the energy ball with his own.

"Where the hell did you get powers?!" He shouted.

"Where the hell did you decide that jumping down from the rafters was a good idea?!" Fern shouted back.


"I didn't try. I could have if you didn't escape!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Don't you morons need me alive for your dumb little puppet scheme?!"

Fern blinked, getting hit with another energy ball Purple had used to his advantage.

"Son of a-"

"Nice try."

Fern snarled. "I'm going to kill you."

"Well, then it isn't my fault that the plan don't work, traitor."

Fern growled at him.

King glanced around another hallway. With the seven stories worth of a building to explore, and no time to do so, they had to go quickly if they were going to find the others.

All the while, he couldn't help but notice how...off Fern looked. He continued glancing around the building, like guards lurked around every corner they went around.

Eventually, Scarlet, the person who spoke up about almost anything, confronted him about it. "Okay, Mister Paranoia, the hell is going on?!"

"W-What?! I don't understand what you're on about!"

King sighed. "Don't play dumb, Fern," He said. Pausing after looking around to make sure they weren't going to catch any attention, he continued, "You keep looking around like guards are looking around every corner, you keep freaking out at the slightest noise, and every time one of us brings up Sunny, or anyone we're searching for, you freeze up!"

"And you keep looking at the sky, or at least above us, so are you hiding something from us, or what?"

Fern look at him, a mix of astonishment, and offense, mixed in his expression. "Why would you think I'd hide something from you! We've been friends for years!"

"And that means something to you?!" King snapped. "You're hiding something, I know it!"

Fern looked at the ground for a moment, allowing the others to figure out what was happening.

"Willow, I think your brother is hiding something." Red whispered.

"He's gotta be hiding something. Why else would he act like this towards us?!" King whispered angrily.

"King, calm down."

"I'm trying, okay?! This guy could be hiding something, and he could pose a danger to Purple and the others if we let him out of our sight! Second and the others could be in danger!"

"Nice to see you worrying about the others for a change." Red said.

"Purple's a smart kid. He'll get himself out of anything, and he knows what he's doing."

Red smiled. King's overprotective phase was growing out of him, for now.

It probably wouldn't take long for it to grow back into him.

A buzzing sound suddenly filled their ears.

"What the..."

"You know your fatal flaw, King Orange?" Fern said over the buzzing, and everyone glanced in his direction.

King Of This Kingdom: Father & Son 8Where stories live. Discover now