Could This Get Any Worse?!

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Navy left the group to be held at the mercy of the guards, who promptly tossed the poor kids into the room like ragdolls.

King wasted no time glaring them down. "You'll be lucky if Purple spares your lives."

"You'll be lucky if Purple even comes to save your lives." The guard bit back harshly.

King glared back at him. Come on, Purple. You've got this.

Navy turned to the group

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my murder overseers." Navy said, shooting the kids a sweet smile that was met with hardened stares.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the attempted murderer." Green shot back.

Navy snarled. "Quiet, boy."

"Aww, what's the matter? Not fun to eat your own words, is it?" Green snapped back.

"Green, chill." Second whispered.

"Yeah. Our lives are at stake here." Blue added.

"Well, it's true. He almost blew Purple's brains out!"

"Hey, be lucky he didn't!"

"Quiet!" King snapped.

"If your child accomplice is done insulting me and my actions," Navy said, giving Green a glare he happily returned. "I am going to continue."

"Yes, please do," Dark said. "What'd you do with the portal home?! It fucking sucks here, and I'm sure a lot of people here would like to go home!"

"Oh, I'm sure you would've found it if you hadn't let my son distract you." Navy said nonchalantly.

"You know damn well Purple was the entire reason we came here in the first place!" Chosen shouted. "Wasn't that your entire reason for attempting to rip a bullet through the poor kids head?!"

"One less problem to deal with."

"He's a child!" Yellow shouted. "And as a matter of fact, your child!"

"When your wife is mysteriously impregnated, I'm sure even you could question if the boy you abandoned is yours."

"Funny story, Navy." Purple's unusually cheerful voice filled the space behind them. An energy ball sat calmly in his hand.

"I was just about to clear that up."

Within a second, the energy ball was flying at Navy. Navy, the experienced fighter he was, dodged it with ease, escaping into the rafters.

"Purple!" Green ran to him. "That was cool!"

"I've done cooler, and everyone in this room knows it. Is everyone alright?"

King joined the duo. "Gold led the others to another part of the castle to take care of the others, and so far as we know, they're all unharmed. Are you okay?"

"Aside from almost getting my skull blasted to bits and my life ending, I'm fine."

"We say it like that's a bad thing. But moving forward, you should've said you had a twin sister!" Green shouted, shaking Purple's shoulders.

"I have a what now?"

"You didn't know either?" King asked.

"Okay, first of all, someone give me a full recap of whatever the fuck I missed. Second of all, when the hell did I twin sister? Or even a sibling in general?!"

King watched Purple's eyes widen. "Holy shit."

"What? What is it?!"

"I think I know where the sister came from." Purple said, an evil smirk crossing his face.

King Of This Kingdom: Father & Son 8Where stories live. Discover now