Family Legacy To Uphold

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If you asked Navy how he felt about Fern, he would've said that Fern was an interesting one, in his opinion.

He had overseen every last interaction with King and the others, and he still could not, for the life of him, understand the man whose little sister had a best friend who had foiled his plan under a mind control spell.


The stick figure jumped, and Gold flinched.

He could remember one of King's high school buddies anywhere.

"I knew it!"

Fern stared at him, and skeptical look etched on his face. "Gold? But your...your supposed to be-"

"Dead? Yeah, I know. But shit happened and I'm alive right now. Don't remind me."


"Yeah, it's confusing."

"No. How have you...ended up on the news numerous times?!"

"Oh, that. My dad's new kid. He's got a psychopath for a biological father who keeps bouncing back, and we've stopped him enough where it's just national news by this point."

"King has a new kid?! When did that happen?!"

"Your high school buddies! You don't talk to him anymore or something?!"


"Of course you don't." Gold muttered to himself.

"Anyways, who the hell are these guys?!" Fern gestured to the other three sticks behind him.

"Couple of friends and my girlfriend." Gold deadpanned.

"Someone's got ambitions."

"Shut up."

"Hey, I work in a doctors office. I can put you in the hospital and thoroughly describe your pain."


Something in the sky caught Fern's attention. "What's that?"

Gold looked up at the sky to see clear blackness, save for a flashing light.

"A flashing light?" Fern asked in confusion. "What the fuck-"

"That's Alan's computer!" Copper shouted.

"An SOS signal." Gold breathed.


"Why are we freaking out?" Fern asked.

"Just come with us."

Gold and the others started leaving the booth, and Fern reluctantly followed suit.

"WE COULD HAVE JUST CALLED THEM!" Green shouted, groaning loudly.

"Why didn't you people call?" Scarlet inquired.

"Because the only one with your contact and a reason to call you is currently having a mental breakdown and is inconsolable at the moment. AKA, your dad." Yellow noted.

"The hell happened?!"

"Purple's gut feeling happened, and he won't wake up."

"Like, as in a coma, or is just unresponsive in general?"

"We don't know."

"Welp, finding Fern was a great thing, then."

"Who the fuck is Fern?" Green asked.

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