Navy's Turnabout

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Purple collapsed to the ground, exhausted.

"Holy shit."

"Purple!" King was at his side in seconds.

Chosen followed suit. "That was pretty cool!"

"Sure it was."

"As someone who watched you stop King with nothing but your elytra, and lived to see the end of it in some capacity, I'm actually impressed." Second said, joining the two of them.

"Lived? I was dead for a good portion of it. And I didn't destroy the staff. You did."

"Eh, well, you still got through to him, so I'd say we both did."

"Fair point."

"Now what? We've still got...maybe four more bad guys to defeat?" Green asked.

"How four?"

"Navy, Orchid, Amber, and...okay, nevermind, three. We just killed one."

"Gold and the others may have Orchid under control," King theorized. "I think Navy's powerless, and I'm not sure about Amber."

"Sunny might have taken care of her already."

"Then that just leaves Navy."

"So we've been cut down by a couple of villains. Good thing."

"One villain down, since Night Shade and Fern are dead, and Orchid and Amber probably got their own problems. Gives us a chance to defeat Navy and not have any major repercussions."

"Or distractions. The last thing we need is an amnesiac Purple who could be killed in less than ten seconds." Red said.

"Seeing as Navy probably got his powers sucked out of him, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder for him to gain an upper hand."

"Okay, we head to the throne room and take Navy out, and meet the others outside the castle." Red was quick to come up with a plan.

King helped Purple to his feet, keeping a hand on his arm. "Right."

"Well, that's funny."

Purple froze. Everyone else blinked.



King threw Purple behind him, watching the surrounding area. Everyone else grabbed pieces of rubble, holding it out in front of them.

"Get out here, you fucking coward!" Green shouted.

A rope from the darkness.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Purple shouted.

King ducked mere seconds later, grabbing Purple's hand to pull him down.

"King, wait!"


King hadn't realized the rope was snagged around Purple's waist until he'd lost his grip.


Chosen and Second jumped forward, energy balls in hand. "PUT HIM DOWN!"

Navy smirked. "No."

Of course Navy fucking abandoned her.

What the hell was she thinking when teaming up with him to stop Amber was a good idea?!

Digging her knife into the monster's chest, Sunny glanced around for Amber, waving her knife up and down, wiping off the slimy substance she was dubbing as blood for the time being.

"Alright, son of a bitch, where the fuck did you go?" She muttered under her breath.

She couldn't have gone far. It hadn't taken Sunny that long to take out the tendrils trying to kill her, and even less time for Navy to get to wherever the hell he had gone.

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