Who Is This Kid?

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After careful consideration of what was to come, the group decided to split up and start making camp for the night.

Sapphire and Copper, still barely trusting Mocha's friends, kept a weary eye on them. Green, worried for Purple and having nothing better to do, decided to join them, glaring at Crystal like she was some weird bug.

Chosen and Dark worked on, or more or less argued, about drawing attention and making a fire, which King unfortunately had to listen to.

"Don't you have a son to worry about?" Dark snapped, glaring at King, who was watching them with amusement as they argued.

"The only reason I'd have to worry about Purple is if we didn't know where he was or if he is still alive. So far as we know, Navy and the others are powerless against him, and we know where he is," King shot back. "If he had gotten out of the mind control, he knows where Sunny's base is. Sure, I'm worried sick about what Navy could do to him if he got some sort of power back, but Purple's a smart kid. I can't worry about him all the time."

Dark and Chosen shared a glance, before returning to their fire pit. Red cast King a small smile.

"Uhm...is he okay?" Yellow asked, having listened to the entire conversation.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's just letting himself trust that Purple is able to take care of himself. Besides, he makes a point. And Purple has powers! I'm sure he'll be able to escape if he ever gets an opportunity."

"Or even the chance." Blue added.

"Hey. Be optimistic. Purple's smart. Really smart. He'll be able to think of something."

Night fell, and the group tried to come up with a plan to work with.

"Okay, so Night Shade was indeed shot?" Willow clarified.

"Hit 'em quick, get out fast," Dark whispered to himself like a mantra, clutching the gun in his hands tightly.

"The cities gonna be flying a lot of flags half mast." Chosen whisper-added.

"Raise a glass." They whispered together.

"There. The general." King pointed ahead.

Whom it was, they could not tell. They were too far away to make out.

Dark crept closer, having been silently nominated by the other two behind him to carry out the assassination, as he called it.

It felt like one. He, the enemy, going to shoot the other enemy, and it felt as is they would die as soon as the bullet hit skin.

"Well. Here goes nothin'." He said to himself, cocking the gun into place and aiming it.

With the rifles scope seeing for what would've been miles in a different circumstance than Dark was in, he could see the enemy more clearly.

Night Shade.

"Well, isn't this fucking perfect." Dark muttered under his breath, tightening his finger around the trigger, waiting for his friend's signal.

"Any day now, Cho."

"Hold on a second, and..." Night Shade was distracted. "FIRE!"

Without a hint of hesitation, Dark pulled the trigger, and the entire erupted into more chaos.

The moment of silence the gunshot brought felt like sweet release. All the shouting was giving him a headache.

"Okay, one enemy down, three majors to go," King said, barely realizing he'd referred to his dead-alive wife as an enemy. Not that it really mattered. "Let's go aide the others."

King Of This Kingdom: Father & Son 8Where stories live. Discover now