The Secret Child

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None of them were sure how everything gone to shit the way it had, but suddenly, Navy had lost his kingdom to his own son, under the control of God knows what, being turned against everyone.



His friends.

His family.


"Are we finally beating Navy's ass?" Green asked in anticipation as they snuck underneath the castle and into the basement.

"Yep. King and the others are gonna regroup with us, and we're all going to get rid of them for good." Sunny explained.

The others squealed with excitement. "It's about fucking time we get rid of them!" Second exclaimed.

"Sounds like you guys want to get rid of this guy for good." Sunny chuckled.

"He's killed us before. We want to get rid of him so that he can't hurt us ever again."

"We remember our strategy, right?" Sunny clarified.

"We take out Night Shade first, since he's got revival abilities, then we take out Navy and Orchid." Blue explained.

"Exactly." Sunny smirked.

"Now, are we gonna kick some ass or what!?"


"Chosen, I don't think this amount of weaponry is necessary, especially since we've got powers." Dark said.

"Well, only four of us have powers, five counting Willow, who's MIA at the moment, so the others are gonna need something to keep them on their toes while we take out the main part of the army."


"And Yellow left us the staff, so we'll have a lot better advantage with how powerful this fucker is."

"Fair argument."

"Either way, we have a larger advantage against these guys. This does not mean we will suffer casualties. This refugee population will drastically drop during this fight, so be mindful of that. If we could, we'd fly a flag half mast for our fallen comerades."

"Raise a glass." Dark muttered.

"Now, what the three of us will do is make a hit on the leader. Whoever they may be. We will attack them once all sides of the opposing armies are distracted, we will shoot their general and get the hell out of there."

"Like and hit and run? Hit 'em quick, get out fast?"

"Exactly. Afterwards, it is your choice whether to go after Purple and the others, or provide assistance in the fight outside the castle walls. But make sure that do your best to stay alive. Especially you, King," Chosen glanced at the taller man. "We cannot have you die when Purple needs you alive right now. I'm sure he'd even testify against even fighting in the war, even if it is for your sake."

"Yes, sir."

"And now, with that settled, I believe it is best for us to stop planning and start following through. And remember, a reminder to everyone here, try and stay alive. If not for your sake, or our friends, for Purple's sake. He needs all of us."

Second sneaked into the castle with great simplicity, knowing that the easier breaking in would be, the easier it would most likely be escaping.

Grasping Red's arms and hauling him in, the two worked to get everyone inside the building as swiftly as possible. They had an ally to save, and the fast they were all in and caught up on what they were doing, the easier it would be to get them all out alive.

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