Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was always in the palace, locked away from everyone. She had no one to accompany her except her imaginary friends and a few toys. Her mother and father was always busy ruling the kingdom. But her parents would always come to read her bed time stories. Along with the warnings.
Outside the palace is a dangerous world. A world not meant for young girls like her to wonder off alone. There's creatures out there way worse than you could imagine. What happens when the little girl wants to run off?

Ayla watched from the belcony out to the dragons flying freely in the air. It's a shame how only a few live like this, the rest being slaughtered or either abused by their owner. It's quite a terrible world we live in. Maybe not a world just the people in it. Ayla let the paint brush flow in her art book. Creating an art peace of a forest along with forest spirits. Though she has never seen one. She just uses her imagination and the facts she has read about them. It was almost time for dinner. Her mother the empress, even though so busy always makes sure she gets a chance to work her magic in the kitchen. Oh how the heavenly know,that it will surely be lasagna. Ayla has lost count of how many times she has eaten left over lasagna. Usually the leftovers go out to the poor people. That's why Ayla makes sure to never eat her hole plate.

If only she could change her mom's mind, about tonight's dinner. Her mother being the wicked creature she is, Ayla knew there was no chance of winning this argument. Not even the emperor has the audacity to speak up.
So what luck did Ayla have. The wind blew making Ayla's white snow hair fly into her face.
She cursed deciding it's time to close the belcony doors. Even though she would love to leave them open because of the burning heat, there was no chance. The thought of a vampire swooping into her bedroom and draining all her blood from her body, made her skin crawl.

She pulled on her shoes and headed to the dining room. The castle was filled with noise and servants buzzing around.

"Good evening, dear princess" one greeted carrying a plate of cookies. They looked dry. Not like Ayla eats ginger cookies anyway.

Ayla took her normal seat at the unusually long glass table. Food was already placed down on the table. And heavenly goodness it smelled good. But unfortunately no one's aloud to eat until the emperor arrives. And he does take his time.

"Hey, cousin" Kaiser said, sitting on the chair next to Ayla . "Ready for another heated family dinner?"

"Well prepared" Ayla chuckled. The rest of the royal family took their seats at the table. Along with emporess and emperor of Lumar Kingdom. (a.k.a Ayla's aunt and her husband and Kaiser) and a few other random people. Everyone raised as emporer Arian Hashimoto entered.

"Good evening my fellow brothers and sisters. You may be seated" everyone seated back to their chairs.

"Here it comes" Ayla whispered to Kaiser.

"It's been so long. Since a proper meal with everyone from the royal Lumar Kingdom. I hope everyone's doing well" Arian cleared his throat.

"Better than ever" Kaiser's father answered.

Ayla glanced at all the old people who was busy chewing on their food. It's always them that starts the drama. Alway looking for something to complain about. A servant came to pour everyone some water. When they finally reached Ayla. She could see the girl's hand shake,as she poured the water. She accidentally spilled water on Ayla's dress as she stepped back.

The servant started panicking, apologizing over and over as Ayla reached for napkin.

"These servant are so useless!" A old lady boomed from across the table.

"It's okay" Ayla whispered to the servant. The woman nodded and continued pouring for the rest.

"You'll have to learn to be more strict if you wanna take over one day, Ayla" the old woman hissed.

"You should learn to keep your mouth shut" Ayla scoffed.


Both her parents called.

"What? I'm speaking the truth"

"This generation ain't got no respect" A woman said, chewing her bread.

"You worried about this generation. You need to worry about why Ahvi trying to start a new generation with your man."

Both Ayla and Kaiser bursted out laughing.

Their parents looked at them with disappointment. But they couldn't care less.

The rest of the dinner went by with complaints and royal stuff. After everything Ayla and Kaiser went up to the palace library.

"Can't remember the last I was in here" Kaiser's voice echoed in the massive library.

"Wasn't it like a month ago you were here" Ayla said.

"Oh, yeah. However it feels like years ago" he chuckled.

Ayla walked up the spiral wooden stairs, Kaiser following behind. They stopped in front of the glass door.

"Does it still look as pretty as always?"

"Don't remember, haven't entered in a long time" Ayla exhaled turning the metal doorknob. She pushed the door opened. The room was filled with galaxies. Stars swirling in the sky, the horoscope animals all floated around chasing each other. The planets floated all in line. You could see everything perfectly.

"Motherly dragons..." Kaiser smiled as a starlight creature rested on his shoulder. The little thing went flying off his little body leaving stardust flying around.

"The same as always" Ayla chased after the starlight creatures. Her eyes glowing white as she shot sparkles of light from her hands. The floor lit up as Kaiser and Ayla started levitating into the air. More mystical creatures started appearing. Ayla grabbed Kaiser's hand, flying him across the room.

"I missed this!" Kaiser exclaimed. Ayla laughed as they stopped swirling mid air. Kaiser stared at her.


Ayla's eyes went back to her normal colour as the starlight creatures started flying around crazy.

"Whoa!" Ayla let go of Kaiser's hand.

"What's happening?!" The room started shaking. The light pattern on the floor fading.

".. No" Ayla grabbed his arm pulling him back down to the floor.

"What's going on?" Kaiser panicked. Ayla shook her head as she stretched her arms out and closed her eyes.


Light erupted out of Ayla's hands. The room lighting up. Kaiser groaned as he covered his eyes. Ayla falled to her knees. The pattern on the floor stared illuminating again. She let out a heavy breath.

"Ayla are you okay?" Kaiser bent down in front of her grabbing her shoulders lightly.

"Yes, yes... I'm fine" She groaned rubbing her forehead.

"Come on let's get you to bed" he hoisted her up into his arms. Carrying her back into her room.

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