Just A Kick

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No one's pov.

On a rocky cliff, that is covered with ice, a familiar saber-tooth squirrel is sniffing the ground. That's right. It's our favorite, Scrat.

Presenting: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

As he is sniffing the ground, he fails to see the end of the cliff. Thankfully, he notices it in time. Scrat looks around and sees his love on another cliff.

It was an acorn.

Between the cliffs, that Scrat is on and the one with acorn, is a long rope-like branch. So he uses it to get to the acorn. But when he reaches it, there is no acorn. Just empty. He looks closely and sees some leaves ruffling behind the tree. Scrat looks at it suspiciously and quickly gets behind the tree. He then sniffs the tree and looks behind it.

Scrat sees the goddess herself. And is lovestruck. The female squirrel is cleaning the leaves while looking so beautiful. Scrat then faints while looking at her. He looks at her again and sees her taking the same acorn. That's where the moment was ruined.

Scrat gasps and scratches the tree. He gets behind it and thinks of a plan to get the acorn back. When the female squirrel leaves the acorn for a little bit, Scrat tries his luck and tries to take it. But on the acorn were wrapped two hands, Scrat's and the female.

Scrat looks at the female angrily, snatches the acorn from her and starts to leave. But he stopped when he heard whimpering. He turns around and sees the female crying. Suddenly Scrat feels guilty and gives the acorn back to her.

Though, of course, it had to turn into an argument.

As they were fighting over the acorn, Scrat threw her off the cliff. He panicked, because he didn't know what to do, but ended up going after her. As they were falling, both of them grabbed the acorn and looked at each other lovingly. Suddenly the female snatched the acorn from Scrat, winked at him, and flew off. Turns out she can fly. Scrat screams and tries to do the wings by stretching his skin. He didn't make it and fell to the ground. As he was getting up from the ground he heard someone running. He turns and sees a brown mammoth, carrying a shell filled with water.

"It's happening!", exclaimed the mammoth.

The mammoth almost stepped on Scrat, thankfully he didn't. Then two possums twirled around Scrat but he shooed them off.

"Wait up, guys!", called a green-ish sloth.

The sloth ended up stepping on Scrat. He tried to shake it off. The sloth threw Scrat in the air and landed on the sloth's head.

"The baby's coming! The baby's coming!", exclaimed the mammoth.

As he ran, other animals got out of his way. "Watch it! I'm having a baby!"

"Code Blue! Code Blue!", shouted one of the possums.

"Or pink if it's a girl!", corrected the other.

The mammoth continued running. "Having a baby! Having a baby! I'm coming, Ellie!"

The mammoth failed to notice a stump and fell over it. The shell with water flew off as well. Mammoth slides down the hill, desperately trying to catch the shell. He lifted his trunk but the possums climbed it up.

"We got it!", assured the possums and caught the shell.

The three mammals sighed in relief. Then the greenish sloth runs up to them, screaming because Scrat is still on the sloth's head. The sloth bumped into the mammoth, Scrat jumping away, and all of them fell into the trees. Then the mammoth walks out, with the shell covering his eyes.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs//Diego x OCWhere stories live. Discover now